Cuteness Can Not Be Denied

by Kristi on October 8, 2009 · 6 comments

Today was a most fabulous day.  It was pretty busy but filled with so many fun things, I wanted to talk about them because I didn’t want to forget. 🙂

We started the morning with G sleeping in until his ‘normal’ time of about 645! The past week he’s been getting up around 6am so we finally caught up on sleep (the day before he took a 3+ nap!) and all was good.  I got Sam’s lunch made, everyone dressed, breakfast, and in the car by 8:06 to make it in time for singing before preschool at Fairmont. Sam gets very sad if she misses the morning singing with all the kids and teachers.  I got her situated next to her ‘bestie’ Morgan and took off for the FPA (Fairmont Parent Association) meeting.  The extended daycare lady came up to me and asked if she wanted me to watch Griffin in the room and I thought that was an awesome idea and handed him over. 🙂 So he got some play time and I got to hear about the cool things they are doing for the month of October and how much they raised from all the fundraisers. I had to leave early though, grab Griffin and make it over to Gymboree.

Gymboree was tons of fun. I was worried that Griffin wasn’t liking it but after a few weeks, he knows the routine and is really enjoying it. He doesn’t like a few of the signature activities but we just go do our own thing during them and he’s good. He loves Gymbo though and watching him explore and do new things by himself without his sister is so much fun!

On the way out, we met Grandma JJ and she took over while I ran a quick errand and then went to go get my hair done! And makeup! We were having family pictures in the afternoon and I wanted to look presentable!  While I was getting my hair done I was texting back and forth with my Mom about the face that G spent 30 min fussing in his crib and playing with music in there.  Then, we decided she should drive him around and put him out, then go back home and put him down sleeping. Sadly, it didn’t work for long and he didn’t get a nap. On the one day we needed him too. LOL – Oh well. I really liked my hair and makeup though. It never keeps any curl so she just used the big brush to give it some bounce and then teased the back of it and I felt like a 50’s housewife with a little beehive on. No, it wasn’t like that, but I felt awesome. Then I put on my jewelry and I felt like I was going out on the town instead of family photos but hopefully it turned out ok. 🙂

Taken by my iPhone - Doesn't really do justice but I felt fab!

Taken by my iPhone - Doesn't really do justice but I felt cute!

My Mom got the kids all ready though and we met back at my house at 4:30. Of course by that point, we were all running a little late, my Internet wasn’t working when I needed to get directions so we jumped in the car half ready and speeding down the freeway to meet the most awesome Orange County photographer DrewB! Of course, I got lost because my iPhone decided to load SO SLOWLY, show directions without using the Toll Roads, and tell me to turn on a street that wasn’t there. Blah. Luckily she came and found us and led us to a gorgeous place.

I can’t wait wait wait to see the pictures but I know I have to be patient. 🙂 She is in her busy season so I hope to get a peek at the good ones in a week or so! Griffin fell asleep in the car and was SO TIRED when we got him out that he was a big old sad guy. He didn’t cry though, he just pouted.  I think she got some amazing photos of hubby and Sam together though, right when Sam was at her best and loving the face she had a camera on her.

We probably got some freaking amazing ones of Sam. I was hearing Drew’s camera clicking away at least three hundred times on her.  Even with Sam holding her dress up to her chin half the time, I know there are going to be some fantastic ones! I REALLY need to get my credit card over to my computer and buy Sam some Francie Pants for her dresses because she was wearing her Dora panties (I think, maybe it was Tink) and they REALLY did not match! LOL

Drew was so amazing though, I love watching her work. She is so professional, she had two cameras, her pack, and everything organized. Treats for the kids, to get them to smile, etc. The last time we got our photos done, Sam was the exact age Griffin was and we had SUCH a hard time getting her to smile.  It’s so pressure filled trying to get the ‘perfect’ shot and she was not a smiley child when she was young.

This time felt a lot more relaxed, I felt like Drew had some awesome ideas to get the kids to cooperate and have fun and she wasn’t bothered by my obsessive cleaning of faces, arranging of hair, and forced smiles.  I was trying to remember in my head that most of the stuff I was obsessing over, Drew would probably edit it out. Yea, that booger hanging out of her nose? The camera probably couldn’t catch it and if it did? Photoshop.  So, why I was freaking out about it, I just don’t know.  Plus, with Sam older and more interactive, it didn’t feel as forced. She was doing crazy stuff and we could laugh at her and ignore the clicking away and not feel like we were forcing ourselves to gaze adoringly at our children to get a good shot. We were already doing that cause they are a crackup!

I’ve known Drew since middle school and now that we are SO OLD, it really is so cool that I get to see her in her element and be amazing behind the camera. I actually feel that way with all my friends, we are all grown up now and doing some pretty cool stuff! When you see one of your friends with their professional face on, you realize that while you knew your friend pretty well, you didn’t know the ‘full’ person and seeing those other sides to them? So cool.  I would list all my friends and how amazing they are in their businesses here but this post would be too long. LOL

Anyway, after pictures I took the kids to the Spectrum and we grabbed some dinner and went for a ride on the big wheel. It was fun.

The main reason I wanted to blog tonight was because of Sam. We were eating dinner and I was asking her if she wanted to go on the carousel or the Big Wheel and that I thought the Big Wheel with all the lights on would be SUPER cool (it was also closer, LOL). She looked at me and said, “Momma, I had so much fun today. I love you so much. I want to go on the Big Wheel, and go around and around, and then blow you kisses and tell you I Love You. Then you will blow me kisses and I will throw it into my heart and love you forever!” Then she got up and came around and gave me a big hug and kiss. It was SO CUTE.

Lately she gets so overwhelmed with love that you can just see her be filled ‘to the top’ (as she says) and she just has to come over and hug and love us. It’s adorable. My child is so cute. I have to remember these things as it might not last long!

When I put her to bed, I asked her if she liked Drew taking pictures of her and if she ever wanted to do that. She loves her camera that she got for her birthday last year and told us yesterday that her baby needed a camera to take pictures, haha.  Anyway, she said that yes, she thought it was so cool and Drew had TWO cameras, one that she took pictures with and one on her back! The funny things they remember just crack me up.

It’s time to watch Grey’s and Flash Forward! I also bought a brownie at the Spectrum and have full plans on eating it tonight. After I battled my way back to my status of 150, I thought I would indulge. Oops. 🙂


1 Angela October 8, 2009 at 9:00 pm

YOU LOOK STUNNING!!!!! i almost didn’t recognize you, Kristi!! love the rest of the post too – Sam is so sweet!
.-= Angela´s last blog ..Protected: Desiderata, by Max Ehrmann =-.

2 Jerra October 8, 2009 at 9:50 pm

Beautiful pic!!!

3 Karen October 9, 2009 at 5:51 am

You look gorgeous, Kristi!! What an amazing day and I love the story about Sam! I can’t believe what a big girl she is now!

4 DrewB October 9, 2009 at 10:30 am

Thank you, Kristi 🙂 I like that you think I’m professional – while singing Gymboree songs and acting like a crazy fool getting G to smile 🙂 It was fun! Haven’t had time to look through the images yet, but I’m sure we got some great ones. And, can I just say you looked HOT!
.-= DrewB´s last blog ..Mr and Mrs Light – Sneaky Peeky =-.

5 Jerra October 9, 2009 at 11:50 am

You ARE beautiful – and you’re right, the photo didn’t do you justice – you should have seen the girl in person! I was calling them “the Hollywood Family.” Can’t wait to see the photos!!!

6 Angela October 9, 2009 at 10:09 pm

Seriously lookin’ hawt here lady. I feel like we shoudl have gone out that night too!!!

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