I was almost going to just throw this on a Wordless Wednesday post but nah… it made me laugh too much.
I use my weekends to do longer 20 or 30 minute weight workouts and really just sit in my gym area and sweat out all my anxiety, my frustration, my thoughts… and embrace the endorphins the workout gives me for the weekend! It’s a really nice lazy morning I give myself (reading my emails and newsletters in the morning for an hour) and then moving to the gym.
Today (Sunday) I did a 40m cardio on a higher level and then sat down scrolling for workouts to do. I decided to do a new (to me) instructor named Jess Sims. I had heard her name before but never tried her. I decided on a 30m workout to get the full range since I had done lower body the day before, and upper body before that.
OOOOh my gosh, she kicked me butt. Beyond doing a full 8 minutes of abs, which I NEVER do lately, she just kept pushing and pushing but was really encouraging about it. I totally substituted a bunch on the ab moves. But that’s okay!
I still think I prefer Callie, Rebecca, and Ben for more “fun” but I may have to try a few of Jess’s other workouts.
But it was a different person, therefore I did a few different moves, and it totally killed me. BUT she kept me going. At the end she did an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) for 5 minutes and she kept encouraging from going to 8, and then 8 but having more seconds to rest to beat your time, and then 10 reps two more times, and then the last time for 12 reps and whatever she was saying got me over the finish line and I felt incredibly fulfilled for doing it!
And when she did her two minute stretch, she called us all “Sweat Angels” and made me laugh. So I had to take a selfie (well, I had to turn my face away since it was BRIGHT RED) but remembering that moment was good in that… I can do hard things! And be dripping sweat after. And it’s very satisfying when I finish them out! Even if I substituted a bunch on abs!

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