Meeting New People

by Kristi on November 16, 2012

Since I’m online all the time, I have met lots of online FRIENDS. I got the chance to meet one tonight! Her name is Crystle and she has two adorable girls, ages 3 and 4, with another baby on the way! Usually I shy away from that… do I REALLY want to meet someone in person after having such a great relationship online? I know, I’m a dork.

Anyway, I went and I”m glad I did! She is super awesome, her kids are adorable, and her husband is pretty awesome and totally paid for my dinner! Which was so unexpected! And very very sweet!

I am thankful for knowing Chrystle and all her GREAT book recommendations over the last year. 🙂 She started a private online book club which has given me so much entertainment and great books and I’m thankful for knowing her.

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