The first week of school always makes for a fun adventure.
This year, for the first day, I double-checked with G what time he planned on waking up.
“I’m going to set my alarm for 6:20.”
Okay then. I got up… at some weird hour but ended up planning my workout so it would end at 6:25. I walk up and he’s completely passed out with his white noise on his phone still playing full blast and his clock/stereo completely off (as in not even plugged in). Okay then. I shake his foot awake and talk him up for a few minutes before he finally shakes off the sleep, checks his phone, and freaks out.
“I set my alarm for 6!”
Well, if you told Mom the plan, she could have been your backup! What happened? He probably just turned it off… maybe. Or he didn’t set it? It’s a mystery that happens all too often. He rushes around, and is out the door. He was helping on Link Crew so he didn’t miss any class but it’s fine.

The evening dinners are always hilarious but this time it’s a little sad that only G is at the table. He goes into SUCH detail about every single teacher, what they said, how the kids reacted, what friends are in with him. Sam always felt compelled to share more after G described each of his classes. The last few years they have switched off telling us, period by period. Le sigh. I was still entertained by G’s rendition.
He woke up Wednesday with his alarm. Yaay! I’m constantly thinking of things to text Sam instead of “how are you” so I led with that, and got some good details from her on how her day was, so thank you G.
Thursday was also a good day to wake with his alarm. YES! Setting great habits.
Although… a little back-slide. We kept asking him all week what his plans were for the weekend. He finally figured it out but it was still unknown how he was getting to his Boy Scout leadership training on Saturday. I asked him a few times but figured that he needs to do it himself and went to bed.
I woke up at 5’ish on a Saturday and checked my phone.
“Mom, are you up?” 11:07 p.m. the evening before.
Well, I’m up now but it’s pointless to text him back now! Saturdays are spent just lounging in bed for at least an hour, reading my newsletters, browsing, and not getting out of bed. just. yet.
At 6:24 a.m. I get a text from his Scoutmaster to both of us. “Good morning! Just a clarification, 6:15 AM 🙂 But if it’s easier, we can come to your house to pick you up.”
Yes… AM, Griffin. haha. I jump out of bed and go in his room. He’s completely passed out. I shake his foot awake and he immediately is moaning and groaning about how could his alarm not go off.
I ask Scoutmaster what was supposed to be the plan while talking to G.
“Griffin, are you even packed yet?” “No, I set my alarm early to make time to pack.”
hahaha. Sigh. Now the plan is that Mom has to drive you over to Oso. It’s 25 minutes away. Oh well. Honestly, at this point with Sam out of the house, I’m pleased to get G in the car.
I do point out that THIS IS WHY YOU TELL MOM so she can be your backup. But really, at some point he will have to learn.
I try to pin G down how long it will take him to get ready to leave and he said “as soon as possible”. Okay then, not helpful.
Knowing G, I just decided to do my workout. I was able to get in 10m leg work-out, and then 22 minutes of cardio before he finally came in the garage to tell me he was ready! So, that was still a successful workout, especially knowing I was going bike-riding later in the afternoon so skipping a longer weight workout was not the end of the world.
We had a nice chat in the car ride over to Oso Lake. We started off on all the alarm options he had available to him and how he was going to change up his alarm routine. haha. I was asking him about who would be running for Crew leader for Philmont, and if A was doing a good job as SPL (Senior Patrol Leader; essentially the Scout leader of the pack) and who he thought would run next time.
“Oh, didn’t I tell you? I’m going to run for SPL next time. “
I don’t know why I found that so entertaining and amazing. He had not been going to troop meetings lately because theater and the girlfriend were a bigger distraction but he had been going a bit more in the last two months after summer camp. He said he was going to start making every meeting and the fact that he had come so far in Boy Scouts and didn’t run for SPL would be a disappointment to him so he was going to run and he thought he had a good chance of winning. He laughed a little saying at least 3 of his friends decided NOT to run after finding out he would run. I love his confidence but he’s also a great person and is a great leader.
I can’t WAIT to find out what happens next. Also, this troop has 90+ boys in it so that’s going to be an adventure. There is great leadership in that he would recruit several of his friends to help lead but wow.
Never a dull moment on the first week of school.
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