It CRACKS me up that I own this meme. To be fair, I’ve been posting/sending/emailing it to people long before Sam was born so it’s been 20+ years of it.
This year G’s birthday was ON Easter (last time that happened was 11 years ago, I think!) so I had to post his birthday photos first. Because of that, I had three people text me “Kristi, where’s your Easter joke! We are waiting for it!”
I am nothing, if not consistent? I had Heather, Amber, Anna, Angie, and a few other people after I sent it out, comment back to me that they wait all year for my joke. I mean, Krysta told me to find a new joke, but still. This is my joke!

We always used to put the nicer one in the company newsletter. And it just makes me laugh that I had to have this joke s.l.o.w.l.y explained to me before I actually even got it, which is why I’m so attached to it.
I did have a nice quick stroll down memory lane looking at the past years. Especially in 2008 where I was giving birth to G three days later. It’s so nice to have readable memories.
It’s a good reminder for me to go download a backup… ha!
A pic of the bday boy to put as my featured photo since I have way too many bunny joke posts on this blog
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