I was quickly making a fruit salad for a party I was attending. I’m not satisfied with just buying the fruit salad from the store.
Well. Sometimes that is perfectly fine. However, for family, it’s always better to take an extra 8 minutes and elevate it up and make it a bit more special. So that includes buying grapes, different varieties of fruit, and then mixing it into a bowl.
The important part is cutting up the fruit because the store keeps it in HUGE chunks where it is not even possible to fit it into your mouth. So cutting everything in half just makes it nicer.
Plus, you add in grapes, blueberries, and a few cut up strawberries – all of which I always have in my fridge anyway – just shows an extra effort.
And since I’m usually the one showing up with nothing in hand, while the host has done everything – I know that extra effort is appreciated so I will spend an extra 8 minutes throwing it all together.
Today, however… I don’t know what it was. The weekend was bad. The nights were hard. The mornings were even more difficult. My random vertigo has been lurking throwing me off balance.
I’m cutting the fruit… two pineapples slide out under my knife and fall to the floor.
Okay fine. Clean it up… also grab a towel/water because sticky pineapple on the floor.
Now my hands are covered with dog hair. Wash them.
I open the grapes – with that AWFUL store tape that is covering the plastic – and half the grapes fall on the floor. More dog hair. More 409.
Deep breathes, Kristi. It’s fine.
I get everything situated and it’s beautiful. Not as tasty as I want because early March fruit = not perfectly ripe. But whatever. It’s done. I can go write the birthday cards I need to finish.
As I’m putting everything away, I decide to combine the leftover pineapple and grapes into one container but… the tape was also annoying. And the top! The top doesn’t fit on perfectly. I spent a full 60 seconds going around each of the 4 corners trying to pop it in.

Why? WHY what is wrong with you?
I pick up the container, try wrestling with the tape and BOOM.
3/4’s of the grapes AGAIN go on the floor.
Time out time! Like, what the hell? I had to check the calendar date, I’m usually only super klutzy at certain times of the month, but nope.
So deep breathes. Break time. I got this.

But the fruit bowl is done. 🙂 And now I wrote it down and got it out of my head.
On to the next adventure.
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