This was a fun one. I’m trying to remember the last moment where I completely lost track of time in the best way possible. I can think of easy times with friends, absolutely.
This exercise was thinking about the theme of being so involved in a sport, game, book, or some kind of project though.
I will lose track of time when I’m involved in a work project. Sometimes. Or diving through old photos or organizing videos.
Ooh, I think I spent at least three hours curled up in bed, the morning after Taylor Swift going through all my videos. That was bliss. It really was.
There was the time where I spent 36 hours with my besties, wandering around South OC. That was a perfect lovely moment. Angie and I took a nap on the grass and the group wandered around the nursery smelling flowers. I have bestie time coming up in three weeks and I cannot wait.
I’ve had some beautiful conversations this year where time has magically disappeared. On the phone with a friend, brunch with my Mama, chatting with a kiddo.
Some of the best dinners with friends are when we have such a nice time chatting, then we pay the check, but end up talking for another hour with our purses in our laps. Knowing we should get home but having the best conversation that no one wants to have end.
I need more of those times in my life. I feel like I currently get stuck in my weekends though. It’s my leisure time yet I feel adrift and unfulfilled. It’s almost like I have too much free time. I want to be purposeful and deliberate with how I spend my free time. It’s hard right now. Making the choice to pull myself out and choose something to do is… up to me. My choice. Yet, why can’t I decide? It’s a conundrum.
But in this moment, I pulled myself out and started writing here, so that was an excellent choice. I have some plans for the rest of my weekend which are making me happy.
Going back to losing track of time… will that happen this weekend? Maybe not. But I will try my best to stay in the present moment and enjoy what’s happening.
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