It’s so fun when my daily meditation with Jeff Warren hits all my feels. This morning (35 day streak when I started writing this, and now 42, woot!) it was all about having the RIGHT attitude.
Accept what is here and now.
It’s right because it’s happening right now. It is what it is.
Yes, Jeff. Good lesson. Dang it.
It’s really hard to notice what is happening and sit with it. I understand if things are good, it’s wonderful. If things are bad, I have a very specific preference for it to be better. Because dang it, I want it to be good all the time. Obviously! Ha
Can you be grateful for the experiences you are having in this moment?
No, “I” can’t. But I can try. So many things to notice in the moment. And I get it. It would be nice to be more grateful. If things are going right? Stop fixing it.
Is that the right attitude? Can we just have that experience as it happens? I think sometimes I can get there. But I wrestle with what I can accept in the present moment. Because I can bloom where I’m planted, pretty much anywhere. But is it truly where I want to be? Is it the best that I can be? And that’s something I am struggling with along with other things.
Jeff’s advice of “stop investing energy to push away everything you don’t like” is great advice. . . Struggle and vigilance to control it, probably not the best option.
But with meditation I need to let down my guard. Relax my opinions and let things be what they are. I absolutely can’t get the hang of it 100% of the time. But when I do meditate and sit with it, I find some peace to let my mind settle.

The week before it was about accepting the feelings happening and living with them. Because they were happening and you have to accept where you are. I don’t know if I am fully behind that concept. I was discussing it with someone and they didn’t agree and we had a nice conversation about it.
But again, I get the concept and it’s similar to the comments above. You have to be able to accept what’s happening in the moment and be present with it.
I started to Google “Rupert Spira” and saw he had a LOT of interesting content but I think I’ll leave that for another day…

Finally, it’s being kind to yourself and showing self-compassion. As one of my friends reminds me, I have to stop doing too much. Just concentrate on one thing at a time.
But I’m a multi-tasker.
Sitting with yourself, putting a hand on your heart, and saying something along the lines of “you are doing a good job, you got this” is a very kind thing to do to yourself.
Do more kind things for yourself.
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