Live Blogging PubCon 2016: Keynote Robert Scoble

by Kristi on October 12, 2016

Robert takes the stage and jumps into the “fourth transformation” how AR and AI are changing everything. Going from old style mobile to new touch mobile, nokia and Blackberry really went away. The two waves or AR and VR are coming and coming fast!

Robert goes over his background at UploadVR.

Incidentally I got to try Oculas whateveritscalled in the exhibit hall and it was pretty cool. Although I was looking at this bland alien brain so I wasn’t completely bowled over.

Robert says the tango sensor is coming which lets augmented reality come into the mobile phone. The sensors will be able to see the world in 3d. You can play virtual games on top of real games. Robert mentioned Apple has 600 engineers in Israel working on just the 3d sensors. What an investment!

Ooh, iPads and TVs might have it too. Just a rumor though.

Robert wants to explain the fundamentals underneath the motion tracking. That actually sounds a little boring to me so I’m going to skip writing that part. Other than to say that the sensors are going to see everything about you. Everything.

Sounds a little creepy.

There is a drone that can map out a room and put pixels all around the room, and then drone itself can avoid any things in its way.

Robert says six degrees of freedom is the most important thing for virtual reality. He names a current product on the market that will be obsolete soon.

For us though, what does that mean? We can ask VR where the blue jeans are in the mall, and a blue line will click up and direct us to where we need to go.

Robert thinks everyone who has an iPhone will have a VR set in another year and will have six degrees of freedom to do these things. The iPhones and Androids will have these VR cameras built into the phones soon.

About 5% have an HTC something or other in the hall, by his query.

He says virtual items will be locked to physical things. There is something with Microsoft already out on the market for $3k but soon it will be extremely cheap. With half a billion investments in this type of thing alone, this is moving forward.

Microsoft is betting on hallow lens, Apple is working on it, and so is Facebook.

Robert is playing a video where some guy put a virtual door in his reality, opened the door, and then walked in to a different room. The guy talking thinks this will kill VR because AR is awesome.

It really just looks like a guy wearing a mask and being a dork in his living room. Obviously fun for gamers. Not the people watching them…

We are watching a guy wear glasses and use his eyes to navigate his computer to… break into something confidential? Or open something? Eh…

So mixed reality, what can you do with it? Or what’s fun? We are watching another video where people talk about visual effects in movies or put in holograms into the picture. They bring George Taikai on video recording himself on a green screen and then putting on the glasses and seeing himself put into his reality.

So Robert is going to bring this into marketing. Yes! Sephora has this already. You aim the phone on your face, you add some makeup to it and the product is color based to you. With Ford, they are building cars with VR for testing and things but marketing activations with headsets. I’m not sure what that means but we are moving to Absolut vodka and their promo with VR they had 19 minutes of client’s time was interacting with their brand.

SnapChat glasses? Their spectacles are doing computer vision and might have two cameras on them.

With medical, VR is better for pain than morphine says the studies. They tested it with burn victims. That’s just one thing that might help with VR and AR to improve our brains. There is a doctor who can hack your brain. Rugby guy, kept dropping the balls, and after six months of working with her system – an intense video game – he’s now #1 in the league. Something thing for sports. With Occulus in the NFL, they are talking about having the football reality showing on VR and selling tickets so you can “be” at the game.

That would be so cool. $10 tickets for viewing at the $50 yard line where they actually go for $1,000 per ticket!

Something is coming next Christmas where you can play football with someone else. Your iPhone will have a bunch of content on this.

The different realities of art, design, and real estate are other examples.

Great keynote by Robert Scoble! Always entertaining and educational.

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