I honestly got nothing. Six days late on a self imposed weekly writeup and I can’t even get that done. Spring is here. Lots of things popping up. Normal work going on. My Dad has announced he is running for Tualatin City Council, a friend wanted some advice on social stuff, the kids have all these exciting things going on, the Hubby and family are running around getting their new business started, the house needs cleaning (haha, just kidding on that one).
I did go with Sam to get a plant last weekend. The one in our front planter has died. The gardener guy laughed at me when I showed him a picture of what I wanted. “I can’t possibly know what breed that is”, he scoffed at me. “Once you find out, let us know and we can order it.”
Thanks Gardener Dude, that’s super helpful. So we bought two other plants for small (empty) pots Hubby added to the gazebo to keep the dog from jumping the wall. The kids are in charge of watering them I wonder how long that will last.
Saw Whiskey Tango Foxtrot this morning. It was cute. Long, a little slow, kind of funny but cute. I forgot to wear my tshirt with the same saying on it! My favorite saying…

Off to Girl Scouts. Co-Leader is doing the flower badge and I hear it involves bath beads! Woohoo!
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