Session Four – Five – Six – Seven of Brownie Water Journey

by Kristi on March 5, 2015

We did several sessions of our Water Journey in October, November, and December.

Yes, I know I’m posting this in March. I suck at updating, okay?

However… the end result is so fabulous and I can’t wait to share it! First, here is the only picture I took of our November meeting.

Eating Snack for Water Journey

Yum, food. I’m kinda hungry. Look at our cute mason jars though? See? Saving water.

So basically the girls talked about how they wanted to ‘Take Action’ or advocate and tell people about how to save water… and they voted to become famous by filming a commercial.


We were on board. I love computer work anyway. So we talked and voted on that. Then they brainstormed for ideas on how to save water. My co was soooo amazing at this step. She is a teacher. So she is awesome at all the steps, actually.

After we had ideas, we broke them into pairs and they each took their idea and wrote a script for it.

Then, I took their individual scripts home and massaged them a little. JUST a little.

Then we filmed.

Here is part of that filming process.
Water Journey Commercial Filming took at least two meetings. It was so much fun though! Yay for our school for letting us use the library. We tried outside and we couldn’t hear a word. Half the words you couldn’t hear since we didn’t have any microphones or anything so THANK GOD for the 400% volume level in iMovie.

We really wanted to be DONE with the water journey. It works for awhile and then we get super bored of it. But the video is done… I’m asking permission from the Girl Scouts of Orange County Council to put it on their main YouTube channel and our principal agreed to show it at the school-wide flag salute later on in March.

So I really had to get that thing edited and done. We showed it to the girls last week and they approved.

Along with the comments of “OMG, so EMBARRASSING” and “The whole SCHOOL is going to see it?” and “WE ARE GOING TO BE YOUTUBE FAMOUS”.


Once it’s up, I will post a link here. I wish I had more funny out-takes but I added a small section to the end. It was filmed from three devices and while I ended up with all the end versions, I think some of the mistakes were deleted. Bummer. I should have shared my ‘vision’ of out-takes and actually tried to film the girls goofing off more…

But what happens when you have 12 girls goofing off in school and you only have an hour? Lots of ‘SHHHH’ and ‘MY HAND IS UP’ and clapping to get their attention and tell them to behave. Ahh well.

I still love my last minute of out-takes. Even if they aren’t very funny.

I’ll post it soon!

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