Drawing Blood

by Kristi on June 3, 2014

The drawbacks of having a chronic auto-immune disease is frequently being asked to get blood drawn. I hate it. It’s awful. I know, I know that EVERYONE hates it, no one likes needles, and its sucks for everyone.


But… I haaaaate it more! It’s very odd but I have tiny parts like fingernails, teeth, and veins. I don’t get it but there you go. Luckily, at this point in my life when I tell the Phlebotomist that I have small veins they usually believe me now. 

It’s not really the needles that bother me so much but the punching of the veins while they hunt for a good one to stab. That makes me dizzy. I have a horror story that I still cringe at from getting my blood drawn so I get pretty nervous.

This time I didn’t even make an appointment. I had a Dr appt and I had the blood work orders from a month ago so decided to swing by and not stress about it. The lady just punched me a little bit and then called over her superior to deal with me. I want the most confident person in the room.

Sadly, he wasn’t so great.
Blood Draw with a Pink Bandaid


The good news is he didn’t punch my arm so much! I don’t know why one arm got a bandaid (because he tried three times through it) and the other arm didn’t… but after the 5th try (when I was THISCLOSE to telling him that I would come back another day) it finally went through.


Blood Draw


Since my veins are so small it takes forever and a day for all that blood to drain out too. Trying to think of small talk while I’m attempting to NOT stare at the needle is oh, so much fun.

Still waiting on the results. Since I suck lately at taking vitamins I’m wondering how fantastic my Vitamin D is as well as Vitamin B.

And I still have to make a few other appointments… but since my body is not screaming at me in pain, it’s hard to schedule crappy doctor appointments when it’s not urgent.

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