First Year – Girl Scout Brownie Year End Party

by Kristi on May 23, 2014

What a fabulous year end party we had for our first year of Brownies. Last year, we had a party to celebrate bridging from Daisy to Brownie but since this was mid-cycle, we still wanted to have a party even if we weren’t bridging. I asked our fabulous party planner Mom’s who came up with adorable table settings including  the jars filled with candy, certificates that were laminated, and all the food!

Fun Year End Brownie Party

The jars were filled with bazooka bubble gum, pop rocks, and a few other things I am forgetting. Bazooka bubble gum is one of their favorite camp songs and it was so thoughtful of the Mom’s to find such great party favors!

First Year Brownie Year End Certificate

The certificate was adorable and was about the size of a 5×7 picture and was personalized to each girl. (Can you find the small mistake? Whoops! Oh well, they will remember it more fondly looking back. Of course ,the smarty-pants girls noticed it right away.)

Troop 2908 First Year Brownies

I was so excited, our awesome Mom who sewed all the vests made sure each girl had their vest so we got an awesome troop picture! Absolutely love it when that happens!

The park was a lot of fun though. They played for two hours and had a grand old time. We did our flag salute, promise, and law, and then talked about how we had helped so many people over the last year and what fun things we could plan for next.

I handed out all their 4th year pins to commemorate the fact that all the girls renewed for next year! I’m excited that we all get to stay together next year.

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