Friday was our trip to the Wild Animal Park which was AMAZING. I was excited to see the animals but I thought it would be a little lame. I’m not a fan of our San Diego Animal park (too hot, too brown, too much walking) but I LOVED this park! It helps when the weather is perfect but the green lush tropics of Florida just helped the setting.
From reading my Disneyworld book, I knew we had to head STRAIGHT to the Safari ride so we followed the crowd and got in line.
(Okay, at this point all my writing stopped and I’m trying to remember what we did but it’s been almost two months so…)
It was great. The Safari ride was fun and we saw gorillas, giraffes, and oh… some other cool things. We saw some eggs. 🙂 Right after the safari there was a walking path to see some of the animals. That was the BEST because we saw those gorillas up close AND these BEAUTIFUL tigers.

After that we went to see the bird show. I LOVED that show. It had some funny people putting it on and the birds were beautiful.
Let’s see… We took the train to the petting zoo which was cool. It was around Earth Day so they had all these park wide projects which were cute for the kids. Wandered around the biggest tree EVER.
Really, the best things I can remember from this park was…
The Lion King show. It felt Broadway quality. Who knew we would see such a great show? Amazing HUGE fake animals with tons of dancers everywhere. After that, we had a quick dinner and went to catch Finding Nemo which was amazing as well. Talented Broadway actors holding huge puppets on their shoulders. Crazy!
Super cute parade that the kids danced to and then we left and went to BED!
On Saturday, Sharon and Truck went down to the Space Center to see the shuttle before it was moved. They loved it! We were going to go but decided to laze about at home and do a pool day again. It was perfect. Dinner? What did we have? I think we had pizza! The best pizza ever at Flippers. Oh man, it was so good. Perfect crust. At that point I was feeling terrible so I just decided to give up on my stupid diet 🙂
The next morning we went home. The end. It was a fabulous trip and the kids loved it! We mixed in enough relaxing that we were not too destroyed when we got home!
For posterity, here is a fun mix of all the videos we took on the trip. Yes, I only expect family to watch this, it’s almost 15 minutes long! Long of silly kids dancing and wandering around 🙂
.3 – GG dancing at Joe’s Crab Shack
.21 – GG posing with Spiderman and telling him about Dr Doom
1:06 – GG posing with Cyclops and again, telling him about Dr Doom! haha
1:50 – Kids getting SOAKED at Islands of Adventure
3:30 – Posing on a Star Wars speeder bike
4:00 – GG dancing at Hard Rock. Boy has moves
4:19 – Sam dancing with the characters of Disney at lunch
5:50 – The start of JEDI TRAINING (kinda goes forever)
9:10 – Sammie actually fighting Darth Maul
9:40 – Me taping birds. What? They were cool birds.
10:35 – Cool gorilla sighting
11:18 – Big giant tree at Disney Animal Kingdom, kids being silly
11:55 – Coolest tiger ever
12:21 – DD dancing to the parade “talking bout heyla! heyla!”
13:35 – Part of the Lion King show where Sam dances with the people
That’s all folks!
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