Book Review: The Girl Most Likely To… by Susan Donovan

by Kristi on January 21, 2009

Last weekend I was not feeling very motivated so I basically just sat around the house reading and sleeping!  It was actually pretty nice.  I read some good books, one of which was The Girl Most Likely To… by Susan Donovan.  When I picked up the book after Christmas I knew I had read a few past books from Donovan but I couldn’t remember the exact titles.  I’m realizing now that I get Susan Donovan and Susan Mallery a bit confused but both are fantastic authors.

I think I have read most of Donovan’s past novels and a few of her anthologies but The Girl Most Likely To… was a fantastic read! It was funny and witty (both things I admire and aspire to!) and kept me reading all Sunday night. It starts off with Kat Cavanaugh coming back to her hometown after coming into millions, ready to tell off her past love (and incidentally the father of her 20 year old son… whoops) but gets mud dashed in her face and gets told off first.  Riley had dumped her first, and very coldly, before she had a chance to tell him about the baby and so she had fled town and never came back. Kat’s best girlfriend, Nola, had me giggling the whole time as well, first for calling her past love, Riley BoHunk instead of Bohland which was his last name.  Both characters were lovable, the situations they were thrown in funny, and all the supporting characters had their quirks and had me giggling along.

The Girl Most Likely To…had quite a bit of family drama thrown in that really enriched the story.  Even though Kat is coming back twenty YEARS later to tell her past boyfriend about his child, you feel sympathetic for her and what she went through.  It explains it all throughout the book and touches on quite a few aspects of family relationships.

I definitely recommend this book if you want a good romance read.

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