Woohoo, Nicole got MARRIED! What a great day! Many of the pictures have filtered through so I wanted to post them here!
Still waiting for a few more people’s photos 🙂 I will forgive them though, it’s been a crazy week! Sam did great! My Mom drove her down after a short nap and she wandered around with Brooke’s girls, Haylee & Taylor, for the bridal pictures. She was so content to go around holding their hands and when they weren’t holding hands you could see her following them with her hand outstretched. hahah 🙂 Aiden was the ring bearer and they all had a great time looking a the fishies in the pond too.
After pictures we stopped back at the hotel for some dinner & snacks and the girls danced around to Angela’s iPod. They loved that thing! Then, we went down for the wedding. We had about a half hour of ‘playtime’ for the kids as they danced around and played on the dance floor. Sam LOVED it. She got to play tag and dance…. Unfortunetly (for Sam) we actually needed her to PARTICIPATE in the wedding by walking down the aisle. 🙂 hehe
So, that part she wasn’t on board with. She wanted to play more. And when she’s upset, I think the only thing she screams is MAMA which is really not telling me a single darn thing. Cause when I had her holding hands with Haylee she was screaming my name… So everyone was telling me to just pick her up. I was like, I’m two people away from walking down the aisle, what am I supposed to do with her!??! Argh! Apparently I was supposed to walk HER down the aisle. haha – Except as I was starting down Sam realized that she wanted to be with Haylee and kept pointing to her. It was to late though! I couldn’t play the “what do you want to do?’ game and just carted her down! Those pictures should be amusing… NOT!
So once we got down there, she still wanted to play… and it was just crazy. I passed her off to Justin and she proceeded to scream her way through almost the whole ceramony. I heard her screaming the WHOLE time, I was so embarrased. Justin had her in the restaurant but you could still hear her! I guess a lot of people in the crowd could not hear her though so that was good. I heard that she stopped crying when Aiden came and shared his choo-choo trains with her! Aww, he kept handing them to her and sharing so that was really sweet. After the wedding she kept pointing to the front of the wedding area… like she was saying “I was supposed to be there! Why didn’t you let me go up here?” and I wish I could say, “Why didn’t you stop crying!!!??” hahaha – She had some fun after though but still was just way to wound up. She wanted to play, she wanted to run around, and she wanted to do it with everyone who WASN’T standing around at the exact moment… Oh well.
The wedding was gorgeous though! Nicole looked beautiful, Mike looked happy. I must say, the music was AWESOME. They had the best songs playing. I’m so happy for Nicole & Mike! Best wishes to the bride and groom and may you have a wonderful life together. 🙂
Here is a cute picture of my girlie NOT smiling with her two BFF’s and Nicole looking gorgeous.
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