Sick House

by Kristi on March 28, 2007

So yes, Thursday I was sick. Friday night and Saturday, Justin got sick. Sunday afternoon Sammie got sick. Sunday night was a KILLER! It was horrible. I gave her dimatap (sp?) for her runny nose since the pharmasist gave it to us back when she was sick the first time when we went to Hawaii. I think it kept her up all night. We put her down at 8 and 845 she was whining in her sleep so I rocked her back to sleep. 9pm, again. 945, I brought her into our bed and at least when she whined in her sleep I was able to pat her back and she settled down. We finally put her back in her crib around 12. She woke back up at 1. I gave her a bottle, walked her around, and changed her diaper. Then we sat down to watch Sesame Street at 130. Then, she went down ok at 230. Woke up at 430 and J went and got her. They watched SS from 430 to 530 but she would NOT go down. She would just sleep in our arms and everytime he crept up to put her in her crib she would freak out. At 6 he came back in the room and tried to lie her down with us but no go. So we watched SS AGAIN from 6 to 7 and she actually slept in my arms but would not let me get up to put her down. We continued to sleep on the couch until 8. Ugh. Horrible night.

Anyway, she screamed for like half an hour in the morning and freaked me out (nothing would keep her quiet) so I called the doc and made an appt. She finally calmed down (eating a banana, of all things) but the doc checked her out and said all looked good. Except her ear was full of wax. So we had to do the drops and wash out the ear. Have you ever had that done? It feels horribly weird, doesn’t hurt, but very weird. Sam HATES new and weird things. So that wasn’t very cool.

I thought she was feeling better by Mon afternoon, and I was feeling better. But J is still super sick. Crazy that our immune systems work better than his (so I THOUGHT) but Sam is coughing today and her nose is running again. I’m basically ok but still stuffy a little. We have our photo shoot coming up on Friday with the fabulous DrewB and I’m so conflicted with keeping it or not. I have to email her and find out her cancellation policy cause J sleeps in until 10, goes into work for a few hours, and comes home and crashes. He thought he was feeling better today but he’s not so he’s going to the dr tomorrow. I would say that he would probably feel a lot better if he just slept the whole day, but can you tell any man that? No. Oh well. He’s got work to do, he says. So, blah. Well, a few hours later and we are going to do it anyway. 🙂 He says all he has to do is stand around, haha. I said it’s a little more than that but hopefully it will go well.

Crap, now I really have to try on outfits and figure out if what I wanted to wear is actually wearable… I’ve been procrastinating! If not, we are going to have an emergency trip to the mall! haha!

Additionally, Drew has awesome pictures of Jamie & Jen that she just did at Irvine Park! Yay! They are super cute, check them out!

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