Jeannine is Preggers!

by Kristi on March 11, 2007 · 1 comment

Ahhh… I got a wonderful call this morning from Jeannine, my old friend from high school. She is finally pregnant! She got married, oh, years ago? Gawd, I don’t even remember when. It must have been about 4 years ago though and she has always wanted a huge amount of children. We always talked about having children and they always said it wasn’t the right time. At the same time, I knew she had a lot of fertility problems that she didn’t talk about often. So, I was SO THRILLED this morning to get a call from her after I haven’t talked to her for a few months!

Her due date is August 11, which means that she is 4 1/2 months PG!!!!! She’s kept it a big old secret from everyone this whole time! They found out yesterday in their ultrasound that it is a boy though. They are naming him Trevor. I think she said Trevor Scott Redfox, but I just remember the Trevor part, for sure. 🙂 She is calling him her miracle baby though. I nearly cried. 🙂 She said after all her fertility treatments the doc’s were not hopeful but after all her prayers for a child, they were finally answered and a miracle occurred. The day she got her morning sickness, she just knew, and made the dr confirm it that same day. And it was true! It is a miracle.

Honestly, I’m just so thrilled. It was a wonderful call to get and I am so so so happy for Jeannine and Scott. They are going to be wonderful parents.

{ 1 comment }

1 DrewB March 12, 2007 at 1:51 am

Aw! That’s awesome! Tell her I say congrats!

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