Three & Four!

by Kristi on December 31, 2006

Wow! We got back from dinner tonight (never go out to eat in Big Bear on a holiday weekend without reservations, btw) and Sam tilted her head back and I saw tooth #3 and #4 broke through on the top of her mouth!

So cool!

She doesn’t like us peeling up her lip to peek though but they definitely broke through. And she has been a perfect angel so either she is super tough (definitely did not get that from her Momma) or… what? I guess she’s probably super tough! I’m sure it hurts tons! She has her hands in her mouth all day but she’s been doing that for weeks. I noticed about two or three weeks ago that you could see the teeth under the gum but now they are finally out. You can also see the #5 and #6 on the bottom so I wonder when they will come through.

Our baby is growing up… *sigh*

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