Learning New Things

by Kristi on October 1, 2006

I’m learning new things everyday about my cutiepie. The ways she uses to communicate with me are so slight… but they are there. I simply need to learn how to read them better. I tried signing… I signed up for a class (the teacher was great) but work got in the way and I stopped being consistent with using the signs. (FINE… I was never consistent…) I know 10 signs now though. But i can’t figure out how to teach her… or just do it myself.

But that’s ok. She tells me in little ways. Sometimes when she wants something, instead of pointing at it… or shrieking… she will stare silently at it and start moving closer. Very slowly. Like an inchworm. She won’t take her little blue eyes away from whatever I am holding that she wants…

Other times, it’s what she doesn’t do that cues me in. She is not a picky eater at all. She will eat mostly anything. But the things she doesn’t like she simply won’t eat very much of. So, when I think she is simply not hungry, it actually may be that she just doesn’t like what I am serving her. All of this is such a trial and error method and it’s probably a ‘duh’ thing for most Mom’s (and non-mom’s I’m sure!) but for me it’s simply the wonders of Sam. She grows up so quickly!

She’s starting to throw little temper tantrums to. One of the new funny things she will do is grab a toy, hold it out to you, and when you try and take it thinking she is giving it to you, she will YANK it back and scream! ‘No, it’s MINE!’ Ok, fine, you can have it… Then, she holds it out again… Did you change your mind? You want Mommy to have it? No? Ok then!

The past few months I have always spelled Sam’s nickname ‘Sammy’ with a ‘y’. I’m not sure why. It makes sense to me? I just started noticing that my Mom spells it with an ‘ie’. Sammie. I think Sammie is cuter and more feminine. Is it always spelled that way? I don’t know. But I like how my Mom spells it so I shall be adopting the spelling now.

Sammie has mastered her sippy cup though. We have been giving her juice because we are having some poop problems and the medicine we give her is supposed to go in juice. 16oz a day of juice (watered down). I didn’t want to give her juice, I wanted to keep her on water for her first year. Oh well. Anyway, she would *maybe* drink 4oz of water in the sippy cup. How in the world were we going to get 16oz down her? Skip a nursing session? Try a bottle instead? The nurse suggested we simply offer the sippy cup every 15 min. I tried that and after two days, we have a juice lover (she really started going for the juice when I switched from pear to apple!) and she has mastered the sippy cup. I give it to her in the car now and she will happily sip from it during our errands. When she is sitting on the floor she will throw her head back so far and end up lying flat on her back. Yummy, juice.

As I said before, I think she is teething. She has been really crazy this past week. The morning and early afternoon seems to be the worst for some reason. She is simply not a happy camper. She has her fingers in her mouth all day and I can see two more teeth on the bottom about to break through. Hopefully soon. It could also be seperation anxiety, I don’t know. She definitely requires my presense with her (or Poppa) at all times to keep her entertained. Then, at other times she will simply be a happy camper. So crazy. This week has definitely been hard though. Hopefully we will go back to normal soon!

That’s all for now.

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