
by Kristi on August 5, 2006

On Thursday we had our first swimming lesson! It was so much fun. A Mom in our playgroup that we joined decided to have one of the swim teachers from Fullerton JC to her house since they don’t teach in August. We are in the Mommy & Me class with four other kids.

The pool was FREEZING and it was cloudy on Thursday but that was ok. Sam was ok with the water but brrrrr, it was cold. Rory (the teacher) talked about dunking them and how we should blow in their face before we dunk them in the water because that makes them hold their breathe. Interesting trick! When I have been in the water with Sam I like to bounce up and down but apparently we aren’t supposed to do that. (Well, we can..) But if we do the same thing over and over again that will teach them what comes next (like schedules! I love those…). So for dunking we go, 1.. 2… 3… blow on their face and dunk them in the water!

I only did it once and Sam sputtered a bit when she came up. heehee – Very scary!

Rory is also very big on back floating. So that even babies who can’t swim fall in a pool, they can turn on their back and float. It’s really awkward flipping them over and you have to hold one hand on their neck and the other on their back. Once they get used to it you would slowly stop putting your full hand on their back, etc. Anyway… we are looking forward to our swim lessons this week so we can practice all of this stuff!

Luckily Sam has a fellow playmate, Isaiah, who seems to already be a pro at all this stuff so she is watching him closely. 🙂 Next time we are bringing our cameras so we can catch them sitting on the side of the pool together playing. So cute!

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