Blah Blah Blah

by Kristi on August 3, 2006

Well, I’ve uploaded 5 videos to Google and it’s telling me they are verified and will be online shortly. That was two day ago. Sheesh! Maybe Google video is not for me… until they get their act together anyway!! Not that the videos are of crazy awesome things that Sam is doing, but I think they are pretty cute. 😉

Sam can now take little steps when you hold her hands. So she is really working on getting that one foot in front of the other thing going on, so that’s pretty cool! She has also graduated to picking up cheerios with her finger tips rather than the palm of her hand. She can shove quite a bit of food into her mouth! Tonight we were having dinner with Grandma J & Grandpa J and she was babbling SO MUCH. It was hilarious. There was one point in time where she just looked at Grandpa and went, ‘Nyah, nyah, nyah, ba, ba, nyah, nyah!’ very strongly. She says mmmmmaaaa but never when she looks at me so I don’t count it. It’s just nice to hear her babble. And giggle. The giggles are so funny.

We’ve had some sleep issues the past few nights. Actually last night was awesome but the nights before that sucked pretty bad. There is nothing like arguing with your husband about how to get a crying baby to go back to sleep at 1:30am. It’s nice that those arguments are forgotten in the morning. Well, mostly anyway. 😉 heehee

Um, what else? We graduated Sam to her new car seat. I think she likes it. Now when she falls asleep her head doesn’t drop down to her chest, it nicely lays on the padded pillow. Always a plus. We are going to swimming lessons tomorrow. That should be tons of fun. Gotta dunk that girl in the water with a trained specialist nearby.

So. Tired. Need. Sleep.

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