Hitting the Big Five – Five Months

by Kristi on May 12, 2006

I haven’t updated in awhile. I don’t have many new pictures either because I got the new Cingular PDA thingy that has pictures and video and I keep snaping shots with that.. but then I have no memory (I really need to go get some) and then delete them after. 🙂 I should really go back to my camera.

Sam is doing fantastically though. She adores her exersaucer and is slightly growing out of her playmat on the floor. She would rather be sitting and playing with toys than lying down. She started babbling a lot more in the past week and we have also been wrestling with her naps and sleep time. She has been doing great, don’t get me wrong, but we have been on the same schedule for about 8 weeks now so it’s probably time for change so I’m trying to prepare myself. Usually she eats 6 times a day (we are nursing still) and every other day or so we go to 5 times a day. A few times the past two weeks she will wake up at odd times at night. Justin thinks it’s because she is hot (ok ok, so I DO swaddle her up in a million blankets, whoops!) so we stopped that. I think she might not be getting enough food, either from going to 5 feedings a day and her not catching up, or I might be producing less milk. Or who knows… I’ve read somewhere that as they get to this age they get so excited looking at the scenery that all that activity makes them wake up at night for many possible reasons. All together she does get 12-14 hours of sleep, 10 of which is at night. YES. Ok. That was not bragging. I swear. Because every time I brag it backfires on me so that was simply stating the facts.

New things that my talented, gorgeous, sweet daughter is doing…. Well, as I said she is starting to babble more and in the process she is figuring out that she can make these sounds herself and whenever she wants… and loves repeating them. 🙂 All the time. The past three days it has been a low whine. Which is fantastic. Ha! I hope she grows out of the whine soon. Hopefully she will move on to the delightful shriek which I have heard randomly the past few weeks. Also the rasberry would be an improvment even if she gets drool all over me. Which happens without the rasberries anyway!

Yes, I think we might be seeing teeth soon. At Gymboree class all the Moms sit and compare what their babies are doing and drooling/teething is a big one. I’m almost tempted to sit with a measuring cup all day with Sam so I can go back and report… “Yes, well, MY daughter drooled out almost 15oz yesterday!” Ahh, the comparisons have started. I don’t think it can be helped. It’s pretty amusing though because everytime I find out something someone else is doing I will usually go home and either practice with Sammy to get her up to speed (ie. sitting on her own – other 5 month-ers are doing it!!!) or try out to see if she likes it (ie. blasting the music and dancing around like a crazy fool to make her laugh ~ which, my god, she LOVES! She likes it better when Daddy does it though!). And I know the other Mother’s do it as well, so I don’t feel that silly. We are able to talk about sleeping habits, teething, sitting, tummy time, etc. etc. It’s a great group and I love going to Gymboree especially because SAM loves it. Her favorite is the parachute game.

We have a very relaxed schedule though and we have great days together. I feel so joyful to be able to spend this time with her. Even though the second she drops down for one of her naps, I am racing for my computer to check my email… and actually I am checking it on my phone while I am playing with her at times… I just love watching all the new things she learns each day. I love the smiles she graces me with when I walk into her bedroom or she sees me across the room. I love knowing that she thinks I’m the funniest person ever (aside from her Poppa) and laughs at all my jokes. She is such a beatiful little girl and I’m so proud to be her Mom.

Anyway. 🙂 Today we started on banana rice cereal. After four days of making faces and screaming at me on the regular rice cereal, we moved to applesauce which she proceeded to smack her lips and grab the spoon and chomp it to death. The banana rice cereal was a hit though. She doesn’t eat very much right now but we are having a good time working on it. I’m so excited because she already will feed herself as I hand her the spoon and she grabs it (while I ‘guide’ her otherwise there is food *everywhere*) and puts it in her mouth. I also got her a sippy cup that I’m letting her play with for now as I want to keep working on the independence skills. She is doing awesome though!

Next weekend we are heading up to Vegas for the Club Spring Mountain celebration. It will be our first big trip aside from our Big Bear excursions which are easy two hour drives. We are crossing our fingers that the drive goes well. She does pretty well in the car so it should be tons of fun.

More later,

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