Sam loves remote controls. She actually loves them MORE when they do something. At Grandma J’s house, there are millions of different controls for the blinds and fans that she loves activating. So when Justin found an old remote and handed it to her, she was having a ball. Until it wasn’t doing anything. But […]
My poor barking baby. She doesn’t sound that bad but she definitely doesn’t feel good. She spent this morning after Gymboree pitching a huge fit for about 45 minutes wanting to watch… EHHHHHHhhh-MAAAAA (Elmo). We sometimes will jump on the computer so I can check my email *smile* and I minimize some windows and have […]
by Kristi on September 18, 2007
My poor Sammie sounds like a little seal. Croup cough! I used to get that cough ALL THE TIME. It was awesome, I’d sound awful and my Mom would come running in and exclaim all over me and say I should stay home from school. 🙂 And then it would mysteriously go away a few […]
TrendWatch – Mommy Tattoos – OMG, I am not a tattoo person so I would definitely not get a baby tattoo… The picture does look cute though… but even if I was a tattoo person, I don’t think I would get one. I dunno. Funny though, huh?? Today I got Sam ready first thing while […]
It’s starting! Yesterday I actually had to undo my pants and zip them down a little!!! I felt so much relief from that, it was crazy. It’s worse in the afternoons. All day in the house, my pants were unbuttoned. Until, finally, I realized I should just change into leggings. Sheesh. Ahhh! Anything near my […]
by Kristi on August 17, 2007
One of Sam’s newest things is her love of forks. I guess I never really pushed the fork… Or the spoon. We eat mostly finger foods. But at one point I gave her a fork and now she basically refuses to eat without one. It’s really cute. A few days ago she would eat her […]
by Kristi on August 13, 2007
AHHHH!!! We went to Olive Garden for dinner tonight and I left my car keys IN the engine (the car was off) and of course, the car was not locked… Duh!! At the table before leaving, I was searching everywhere… but there they were – in the car! I don’t think I have ever done […]
by Kristi on August 12, 2007
This shows Sam’s hair off. How it was hanging down to her NOSE in little bits and pieces. She has horrible wispy hair, given to her my ME… and passed down from my Mom. Wispy hair is the worst. It always sticks up, tries to attack people when you get to close… People end up […]
Yea, Sammie is 20 months today! And the talking has finally started! To think I was worried. She now can say Elmo about 100 times a day. She has got Mama & Papa down. And she will repeat things if you ask her to. Some of them are gobbelygook but some of them sounds like […]
7 weeks is coming up. Or rather, I’m 7 weeks now coming up on 8. I always hated how the weeks are counted. It confuses everyone. I think I’m confused half the time but everyone ends up counting it differently. I’m in my 7th week of pregnancy yet I’m only 6 weeks pregnant. And all […]
by Kristi on July 28, 2007
Imagine a bird flapping it’s wings frantically and trying to get off the ground. That is Sam when she is signalling that she is ‘all done’ with her dinner. I keep thinking her high chair is going to fly away. Of course we know she’s not REALLY all done. “Sam, do you want anything else?” […]
Sammie loves her Crocs. (They are shoes for the silly ones who don’t know fashion and all the latest trends. *ahem*) So I finally realized this crazy trend thing that has been going on for ages and hopped on board. Actually, the real reason is that every single sandle I have purchased gives her blisters. […]
Whew, what a busy girlies we are. It really sucks actually, I think I’m getting carpal tunnel syndrom. Or something. My wrists hurt really bad. It’s to the point where I have to type conciously with my wrists higher than my fingers. It also bugs at night when I’m sleeping and fold my hands under […]
Thumbs up, or thumbs down?
by Kristi on June 10, 2007
I feel like sobbing. My beautiful wonderful camera is GONE! I feel sick. It was such a nice camera that (Santa) Justin got me for Christmas. And I DON’T KNOW WHERE IT IS. I carried it around all day during the company picnic. At some point, torwards the end, I must have set it down. […]