My sweet little girl is seven. I think I love her optimism and general enthusiasm for life most. She is always looking for ‘what’s next’ in life but at the same time she still appreciates what’s happening in the present. I cleaned my iPhone photos off and stored them in my hard drive tonight and […]
by Kristi on December 9, 2012
The first best part of today was this Which continued on throughout the day. I was so busy running from store to store to finish shopping for my Oregon family (got to get to the MAIL, EEK), grab a few things because we were hosting a birthday dinner for Sam and my father-in-law, cook […]
by Kristi on November 27, 2012
I’m so happy they still believe. 🙂 GG wants Lego Star Wars. Sam wants an Art Coloring case, Lego Friends Summer Camp, and a spa pedicure. All of which is covered by upcoming birthday’s and Christmas. Woot!
by Kristi on November 23, 2012
Whoops, I’m still racing around trying to get a post a day 🙂 not doing to hot here! Sam had some of the weirdest ailments. Her latest one is her back hurting. This happened with her neck too. She must have tweaked it and she just moans and moans about it, I feel so bad […]
by Kristi on November 1, 2012
It finally happened! She is almost 7 and she lost her first tooth. She bit into an apple and it got loose and fell out at night. It was perfect because we were camping with Girl Scouts and it was just very exciting for her. Luckily I found it in her sleeping bag/blanket the next […]
Man, it’s taken a long time for GG to figure out swimming. We’ve been getting lessons from Sarah the last 6 weeks and something clicked. So we continued it for another month… I’m so glad we did! He put on googles, he jumped in… and in two week’s he is taking his survival test! We […]
by Kristi on April 2, 2012
“Who is our President again?” “Remember? You know who it is.” “Oh yea. Obama.” “Yep.” “He’s a boy.” “He is a boy. But the President could be a girl too.” “No! It’s a boy. It has to be a boy.” “No, honey, the President can be a woman. Hillary Clinton was almost going to run […]
by Kristi on March 16, 2012
Sam & G playing in the living room… S: I’m sexy and I know it! *dancing and singing* G: Your sixty! S: No, I’m SEXY and I know it. G: No, your SEVEN. No, your TEN. FIFTY. SEVENTY TWO. S: Oh, GG…
We switch off bedtimes. I read a story to GG at night and sing him a song. He’s very demanding at night. After I sing a song (usually the same one EVERY night – Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree), he has to lay on me and we cuddle. My favorite time. Then he has […]
Our school’s Open House is this Friday and every single child is SO excited to share their hard work. S has been talking about it for days. She keeps telling me that when I come in to the classroom, I have to look at the floor! I told her that I will try to drop […]
The other day I told Sam that if she ate the crust of her bread, her hair would grow longer. I turned around to the sink and peeked back at her. She looked down at her bread and picked it up and ate the crust. She looked back at me and I smiled. I feel […]
Sam came into my office to tell me something ‘very sad’. She got a ‘Play of the Day’ certificate!! She is such a trickster (she tries to be), I wonder who she got that from? (Anyone who knows my husband is groaning right now.) The only one to get the certificate out of her group […]
Sam: Well, when GG goes pee in the potty today, I want to find my baby ring to give to him. It’s in my room somewhere so can you help me find it tonight? We’ll have to search and search and search for it to give to him. She means a gold baby bracelet that […]
The scene: Snuggling on Sam’s bed and reading a mountain of books to her as she continues to feel sick from the flu. GG is playing nearby. The book: Bob: And 6 More Christmas Stories by Sandra Boyton Me: GG, what do YOU want for Christmas? GG: I want a candy cane for Christmas! Me: […]