by Kristi on July 31, 2014
So yesterday, I pretty much freaked out. I felt like I was hyperventilating. My daughter was gone and possibly feeling bad. She was missing me. She was lonely. I was in a bad way. Completely freaking out. I think I had 4 glasses of wine. I definitely passed out early. Today I started my period. […]
Mommy Alone Time. Who doesn’t love Mommy alone time? Isn’t it the sacred time? The time you never get? The time you would beg, plead, borrow, and steal for? Well I was wrong. I’m going to say that straight up. I WAS WRONG. I thought sending my child to sleep away camp would be good […]
by Kristi on July 19, 2014
From one of my favorite books, I thought I would do my Sweet and Suck of the day as I was taking a good half hour to cook my bacon, get all the ingredients for an omelette together and mosey around the kitchen. At the same time, my daughter was texting me from […]
by Kristi on July 11, 2014
The last week I have been woken up at the crack of dawn from what I thought was a crow sitting outside my window. It would slowly pull me out of sleep until I couldn’t get back and made me grumpy. This morning, the same noise woke me up and I was still so tired […]
by Kristi on July 5, 2014
I just looked at the calendar and besides noting the obvious, that it was July 5th, I realized we had been ‘in summer’ for four weeks. A few months ago I lobbied the husband hard to not do Summer School for the kids. It’s a great program, they have a fun of fun, and it’s […]
by Kristi on May 31, 2014
For all those camping trips I will never take, for all those hiking plans I will never make… I still want everything in REI. Neat little gadgets that I should DEFINITELY have for our upcoming glamping trip… the husband somehow dragged me out of there with only a few small things. The clothes… the gadgets. […]
My friend texted me an adorable photo of her daughter with new side bangs. It got me thinking about my old boring hair style of straight straight straight. So I decided that I wanted a bit of a change for summer. I was envisioning a more dramatic cut but I sort of chickened […]
by Kristi on May 29, 2014
Help me, I’m binging on The Good Wife. I can’t stop. It’s so good!
by Kristi on May 27, 2014
I’m not sure what to blame this post on. Men? Money? Fix-it companies? Sigh. Our air conditioning broke about two weeks ago when we had that huge heat wave in Southern California. Clearly a first world problem, our upstairs unit worked fine and the downstairs unit broke. Yes, we have two units. Since the upstairs […]
by Kristi on May 26, 2014
With friends and having a lovely time celebrating Memorial Day
by Kristi on May 24, 2014
How can it be both, you ask? Well the morning was spent listening to children run around and play (we had a sleepover over here) and I tried another pancake recipe. I didn’t like it as much but the husband did. It was fluffier than the last one which was nice though. Then we ran […]
by Kristi on May 16, 2014
My lemon tree produces enough lemons to feed the entire city. I simply can’t use that many lemons. Plus, our gate is broken which requires me to jump the gate, or the fence, to pick said lemons. That requires me to put on tennis shoes, which requires me to walk upstairs and find socks, which […]
by Kristi on May 14, 2014
What are your favorite family games to play? Our kids start getting a little anxious and want to DO things with us, imagine that. So we usually break out a game when we aren’t overloaded with afternoon activities or homework. Some of our favorites are: – Skip bo – A favorite when I was young. All […]
by Kristi on May 12, 2014
This year I really wanted to celebrate my beautiful Mom’s and have them over for brunch. All the time, they are hosting beautiful dinners at their home and it’s always so effortless and beautiful. For Mother’s Day I wanted to invite them over and have them do NOTHING and just enjoy the day. I worked hard […]
by Kristi on May 11, 2014
We’ve had a good season with Yorba Linda/Placentia AYSO. I was disappointed in the beginning because the teams have been shrinking recently so this season they combined U7 and U8. I felt like we went a little backwards but after the first few games, the girls clicked as a team and they have been performing […]