by Kristi on February 26, 2007
Well, lately the only Oscey I’ve been listening to is Oscar the GROUCH but we watched the regular Oscar’s tonight, so that was good. 🙂 We started on the red carpet at my Mom’s house and then around 615 jetted back over to our house to watch the rest. We put it on pause on […]
by Kristi on February 17, 2007
I keep hearing more and more about disipline and naughty chairs, spots, rugs, rooms, etc. etc. etc. Luckily Sam is not a naughty girl… for now anyway. 🙂 I’m knocking on wood! She does do this one thing that we constantly tell her not to though. She always runs over to the bathtub in our […]
by Kristi on February 15, 2007
Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone 🙂 We had a nice day… Sam slept through the night (third night in a ROW!! It’s a habit now, right? Right…??) But to get her to sleep through the night means one nap only… So we are working on that and the best way to acheive both. We had lunch […]
EEEEE!! Drew put the photos up of Nicole’s engagment party!! OMG, go look: Are they not SO FUCKING AWESOME!??? The five on her page are so cute. I love the one of me & Nicole… It makes me wish I had blue eyes cause hers look so freaking GREAT!!! Ok, my brown ones look […]
by Kristi on February 12, 2007
Whew, busy busy busy! Last night was Nicole’s Engagement party which was, of course, FABULOUS! The pictures are flooding in, here are a few… My photos – I didn’t have many because Krysta was carrying around HER camera all night so I went to put my down. Krysta’s Photos – These are super cute! She […]
Been pretty busy but hopefully I will get a chance to post some new pictures and videos that I have taken. The videos, of course, are hysterically lame. Justin says I should start editing them but really, who has the time? I do have the time for Grey’s Anatomy though! Oh, and Lost last night. […]
What a great morning.(If I say that, does it autmatically mean the afternoon will be horrible?) Let’s be optimistic and hope not… HARRY POTTER COMES OUT IN JULY!!! July 21st.Ahh… Harry Potter. Yipee! Bridezilla on Crack? You must watch this over on Anna’s blog. Anna, I tried to comment but blogger wouldn’t let me? One […]
by Kristi on January 27, 2007
How cute is this? My friend from my baby board made it for me as a signature (that is why it says love Kristi & Sam only) but it is SO CUTE I had to post it 🙂
by Kristi on January 25, 2007
Wow. Kids are super funny. We are watching Season Two of Grey’s and the three kids are still up watching the Goodnight Show. Kara runs in and says, ‘I’m poopy!’ even though she is pretty much potty trained, they have her in pullups at night. She was in them already and apparently went! So, yea, […]
by Kristi on January 23, 2007
So we are still up in Oregon… We are having tons of fun. Doing nothing basically. 🙂 We get up, have breakfast, play with the kids, take a nap (well Sam does), have lunch, go visit Grammy, take another nap, play some more, have a bath, play some more, go to sleep! Sammie is SO […]
by Kristi on January 21, 2007
Sammie and I arrived in Oregon yesterday. The plane flight was good. She was really cranky in the morning for some reason though. Not sure why. Justin was around in the morning and that was a little different than the weekly norm, so that may have been it, who knows. So I was a little […]
Here we go! You know, I have no idea if I’m going to vote for her (or if she even makes it past the primary) but… SO COOL! Yea!
by Kristi on January 18, 2007
There are so many things to ramble on about yet I just haven’t had the time. I’ve been thinking about all these things that I could write about but when I get on the computer I just end up doing OTHER stuff. But I’m sure you will be thrilled to hear we have a TODDLER […]
Seriously. SERIOUSLY! (hehehe) This is such a sad show. The first ten minutes was of this cute girl who just could not sing. She was doing a Jewel song and Jewel was THERE and it was just so sad. You had to watch her sobbing for at least a minute. Just SOBBING. And that was […]
by Kristi on January 10, 2007
Wow! Food poisoning kicked my bootie! The scale sure looked beautiful this morning. I was soooo tempted to run downstairs and get the camera and take a picture for future incentive. That would have involved running… or walking… or moving… especially down stairs. And then I would have had to come UP those stairs… And […]