Did you forget to vote yesterday? Well here is your chance to redeem yourself. 🙂 Maybe not for your country but for my cute and talented cousin, Taylor! LOL From my Mom & Aunt Wendy…. ** Hello family and friends, Our talented 20-year-old nephew -Taylor Rambo – recently completed his first movie about Freestyle MX […]
I went by our voting place this morning and voted! Ok, it was actually this afternoon since my Mom has Sam. Sadly (for this race), I am a registered Rebublican and could not vote for Hillary. I voted for Romney instead as I don’t like McCain. I may switch my party to Independent if I […]
by Kristi on February 5, 2008
Please get out and vote! YOUR VOTE IS SO IMPORTANT TODAY!
Holy cow, she POOPED on the potty tonight! Wow. We are going for a record. After we cheered and high-fived, clapped and cheered again, she got off and we were trying to figure out how to clean her (LOL – she didn’t WANT to be cleaned) and then she looked in the potty and… something […]
by Kristi on February 3, 2008
Poor thing. She went down at 845 and cried right after so I had to go in and read another story ( J reads about 14, LOL) and then I rocked her to sleep. She snotted all over my shirt, poor thing! I think being upright while I was rocking her helped a bit though. […]
Whoa, Sam peed in the potty tonight. It was like 4 drops but there was liquid in there! haha! Justin takes off her clothes while I start running the bath and she always wants to sit on her potty and play with toys. She says “I go pee-pee, poo-poo” over and over again. After awhile […]
When am I ever quick? Ok, I’m tired though. LOL – I made Chicken & Rice tonight! Yum! I only used two chickens though so I did about a cup of rice (there was a little more left than that so I did pour that in) and two scoops each of the three soups. The […]
by Kristi on January 26, 2008
Good article about how the NY Times is endorsing Hillary for the Democratic nomination!
OMG, there is a post on my baby board about her older daughter stealing a Nintendo DS and what to do about it, etc. etc. There are such GOOD posts from people who have already been through the same thing. One that I just read though really hit home, especially about her gift part!! I’m […]
That is a huge shocker. 🙁 So sad…. Developing News Report
by Kristi on January 21, 2008
Nice new study about not drinking caffeine in your first 3 or 4 months of Pregnancy because it is linked to miscarriage. I did not drink caffeine for the 1st tri with Sam. I did, however, with this one and continue to do so! Interesting though.
by Kristi on January 21, 2008
moar funny pictures moar funny pictures moar funny pictures Ahhh, I’ve seen these before but got stuck on the website. I was reading one of my baby drama boards on BabyCenter and all these girls started posting the FUNNIEST ones to the first poster making fun of her. She was a crazy girl, but not […]
by Kristi on January 20, 2008
by Kristi on January 19, 2008
OMG, my playgroup posted that Baby Loves Disco has come to the OC! For the next few months it’s going to be hosted at the Shark Club in Costa Mesa one Saturday a month. I don’t remember where I first heard about it but I read an article about the one in San Diego. Basically, […]
OMG, i’m in love with the polka dots!!! He just kept adding different sizes and I was gone today at Krysta’s house and when I came home… it was so cute!!! Here is what you see when you walk in. The bed will be right there and probably will stay on the floor for awhile. […]