Well, this month was my first month with no loss. The first two weeks I was doing pretty good and down 1.5 but the middle of the month hit and we went on our trip and then everyone got sick. The last two weeks of the month I was literally looking for sweets multiple times […]
That is all. Since I’m posting this from my phone, thank you 3F network! My typing skillz are not great on the little keyboard thou. Auto correct is nice sometimes. I know I can do something or other with my router or DNS settings but I usually have about an hour and a half at […]
My Favorite Picture EVER We took a very short vacation and went down to San Diego on Tuesday night. We stayed at one of the best hotels ever, Pacific Terrace. It reminded me of a beautiful Hawaiian hotel with open air hallways and friendly service. Matt, the desk clerk, was fabulous with recommendations and free […]
I wrote a few weeks ago about being done with having children even though several friends are currently on #3 right now. I’m watching them with horror and slight amusement wondering how the HECK are they going to survive? Well, I’m sure they will all do fantastic but that doesn’t mean its for me. So […]
Do you have a little girl (or know of one!) who needs some super cute clothes? Are you interested in benefiting Project Kindle, a charity that helps young people who are infected or affected with HIV or AIDS? Dannielynn’s Duds – Benefiting Camp Kindle, a Project Kindle Program Check out all of her clothes (infant […]
Here is a great video of Griffin doing his crab walk to chase Sam back and forth in our living room. Poor guy 🙂
You can always find Griffin trailing behind his sister. If she is standing by the coffee table, he is crawling over to stand next to her. When she runs across the room, he is slowing following her. When she is sitting at the table eating a snack, he is standing next to her chair begging […]
It’s February! Which means… January is OVER and I lost two pounds this month! Woop woop! I didn’t think I was going to loose anything, my scale was not budging the first three weeks but the last week, things moved down. It always seems to happen that way for me. I’m not sure if it’s […]
Sam is a whiz at my iPhone. She has some games that I’ve downloaded on there that she adores playing. She also likes clicking through all my other buttons. Including the camera. She has been a little photographer lately, taking pictures of things. I’ve skimmed through them before deletion and some of them are actually […]
This week, tell us about your first job. As I recently twittered, I worked at the Jelly Bowl Bakery in bucolic Buffalo Grove, Ill., and will write further about this learning and buttercreamy experience tomorrow, but for now, I want to hear about you. Tell me why you no longer have the use of your […]
by Kristi on January 26, 2009
Ooh, I was so proud of myself this morning from distancing my temper from Sam’s temper. Yea, did that make sense? Well, anyway, EVERY MORNING she throws a big fit about getting dressed and changing her diaper. It has been this way for soooo long. We are just stuck in this huge rut that is […]
I love sitting around and fantasizing… Which is why I buy lottery tickets, of course. Where did your mind just go? There is seriously nothing better than picking up a lottery ticket and immediately figuring out where you will be spending your prize. There is the money that will go to family and friends (yep, […]
I know it’s been covered so many places but… HOORAY!!! Wasn’t that Inauguration fantastic?? I just loved watching the crowds in DC, over 2 million people in the Mall, I think? Knowing that so many people were watching at home or streaming it live over the Internet. If anyone wants the text of his speech […]
I ran into San Diego Momma on the interwebz last week and was laughing and identifying with so many of her posts. I immediately added her to my Google Reader. She’s pretty darn funny, go over and visit. She has a fun little exercise called PROMPTuesday where she has a question of some kind and […]
This is just funny! Announce your PMS via e-mail from MOMformation. PMSBuddy is a site that will alert your friend and family when you are PMSing. And yes, the ‘National Alert Levels’ is hysterical. Luckily it’s a 1 on the overall threat level! hahahha