From the category archives:


Friday Random Thoughts

by Kristi on November 9, 2012

I raced down to Newport right now to attend a beautiful wedding at the Turnip Rose. It’s a beautiful setting outside next to a water fountain. Tonight I am thankful to be early enough to grab a spot next to the heater. šŸ™‚ My health diet is going wonderful but I ran into a snag […]

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Facebook Favorites & Friends

by Kristi on November 8, 2012

Facebook can irritate me. However, I love it and am on it for work… and personal matters, so I feel like I am on it all day! It has mostly taken the place of this blog being that I share more personal items of my children on there due to it being ‘more’ private. I’m […]

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Hairs Did

by Kristi on November 7, 2012

I snuck out tonight and got my hairs did. It was time and I also decided to make a small change. I looked at this picture of my Mom and I at Nichol’s recent wedding, and I thought how BEAUTIFUL she looked with her warm, honey brown hair. She actually has touches of reds in […]

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I Voted!

by Kristi on November 6, 2012

I voted! (Obviously…) And today, I am certainly thankful for my right andĀ privilegeĀ to do so here in the United States.

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by Kristi on November 5, 2012

My hubby is saying he will vote NO on Prop 37 (labeling GMO food). I am shocked and disgusted (I’m slightly being sarcastic here – but still!). Label your foods, darn it! My diet has proved that disgusting foods make a disgusting body. I’m generalizing but whatever. Anyway, hubby realized yesterday that I am for […]

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Election Guide by Me

by Kristi on November 5, 2012

So, I wanted to let you know which Props you should be voting for. Just kidding šŸ™‚ You can decide that for yourself! But a friend gave me this awesome Election Guide that tells you how all the different Republicans and Democrats are voting for the California Props. 2012 Anaheim Voter Guide-Props It’s a nice […]

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Good Judgement

by Kristi on November 4, 2012 · 1 comment

I’m on a slippery slope and my good judgement is often nowhere to be found. ThisĀ sentenceĀ and quote below was written last July. Pulling out of my drafts, I am reviewing it and thankful that I have had such good judgement for the last three months. Here is what I wrote in July. My safe foods […]

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by Kristi on November 3, 2012

It almost sounds like a dirty word… NaNoWriMo is the National Novel Writing Month for November. Every year I think about it… and every year I go… ZOMG, I have too many OTHER things to do (plus too many other books to READ) and I decline. I continue to think about my novel I will […]

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Happy Halloween 2012

by Kristi on October 31, 2012

      So I lost my headdress when we went camping last weekend. I brought it with me for the Boo Bash and it disappeared before I even got to wear it. Oops. Oh well. People knew who I was!

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The Health Diet

by Kristi on October 11, 2012

I posted this photo on Facebook the other night: Mmm, my breakfast and lunch for the next week of bone broth and homemade yogurt (fermented 28 hours) is ready to go in the fridge! Aren’t you jealous? Then I cracked up at all the WTF comments I got from it. I’ve been on the Specific […]

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Medieval Times in Buena Park: Win Tickets!

by Kristi on September 25, 2012 · 16 comments

It was fate. We were handed RED and you know that red is my favorite color. There is something wrong with that picture, isn’t there? It’s not even hipster Instagram’d, it just took it that way! The red spotlights were so bright! But yes, we were at Medieval Times! ** WIN ** If I’m too […]

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Hi August! When did you get here? So fast too, huh? Jeez. Well, Sam is going into first grade (she tells me – I keep asking her to repeat Kindergarten, she is growing too fast!) and GG is going to be in P4 of preschool. Again, how did that happen? *sob* Every day they shock […]

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We always go to Chick fil a on Tuesday’s. Well, we usually go. They have craft night there and the kids like to play. I’ve always liked Chick fil a because they were so friendly to kids. When G was a baby, I would struggle in and they would carry my tray to the table, […]

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Wild Animal Park in Orlando – April 2012

by Kristi on May 31, 2012

Friday was our trip to the Wild Animal Park which was AMAZING. Ā I was excited to see the animals but I thought it would be a little lame. I’m not a fan of our San Diego Animal park (too hot, too brown, too much walking) but I LOVED this park! It helps when the weather […]

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Hollywood Studios Orlando – April 2012

by Kristi on May 31, 2012

Thursday was Disney’s Hollywood Studios! Yes, just about the same thing as California Adventure here in Anaheim! Still, Griffin has not been on Star Tours yet so we decided to skip the whole Disney World thing and do Hollywood Studios. We booked it over to Star Tours and got distracted by the sign that said […]

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