Multiple Kids, Multiple….

by Kristi on January 6, 2009 · 6 comments

I was just reading Tiffani’s blog post on figuring out if it is harder going from 1 to 2 kids, or going from 2 to 3 kids.  Since she is 30 weeks preggo with her third child, I wish her all the luck in the world. 🙂 hahaha

Also, since I only (only?) have two kids, I just don’t have the knowledge to give to her on going from two to three kids.  On one hand it seems like it would be really hard but on the other, you may have the capability to manage the difficulties of home life with three kids running around since you have been used to two before.

I know a few of you reading have three kids, you should go over and comfort her. 🙂 She may need it. HEE

Seriously though, I think that you are given what you can manage. Or you rise to the challenge. I love fate and think that most things happen for a reason.  I was blessed with a beautiful daughter who ADORES her little brother.  She also takes very long afternoon naps, doesn’t leave her room until I come and get her, and sits on the couch and watches TV for a half hour and doesn’t go ‘investigating’ into cupboards or other hazardous materials while I’m nursing G to sleep. If we have any hazardous materials in the house.. I mean we DID baby proof but we also have an extremely.. (I really don’t want to jinx myself here…) good, little girl.

Strangely enough, instead of getting a dare devil second child, he still doesn’t crawl yet and sits on his butt and likes hanging out where I put him on the floor. (As long as someone is next to him, anyway.)

It has still been pretty hard for me to manage two kids though.

When Sam first came along, it seemed like managing ONE kid was difficult.  Everything was crazy, I agonized over naps, I micromanaged her schedule, our outings, everything.  Well, I STILL do that but when Griff came along, he got to go along with Sam’s schedule.  He didn’t really get his own. I still felt frazzled all the time trying to keep a happy baby and toddler around the house. Naps have always frustrated me.  How do I get one down? How do I get the other down? Who goes first? If I put her down early will she cry and scream in her room and wake up the other one? If I don’t, will Griff cry and scream while I’m trying to do her naptime routine making for a frazzled Mommy and sister?

A few months ago we went to two naps (and a bigger car seat) so G really NEEDED his first morning nap.  Meaning, going out to activities at 10am just wasn’t the greatest thing in the world since he couldn’t sleep in the car seat as I lugged him around.  We manage it ok though.  It really makes me wonder how other people do naps.  Like all things, we just manage and do what we have to do.

We are finished at two kids.  I saw a pregnant woman yesterday and we were chatting in the elevator. I was alone, at a doctor’s apointment (alone! at a Drs office! bliss!) and our elevator was going up instead of down and taking us on a little trip.  I would by lying if I said I didn’t feel a little envious.  I loved being pregnant.  I love looking at baby stuff. I love seeing baby registry’s and giving ‘advice’ on things that people are buying. I love my little baby right now.  But we are done. That is nice to know as well.  Planning some adult vacations in a few years… ahhh.. in my dreams, maybe.  Planning kid vacations too, that will be just as fun (but need an adult vacation after).

I also worried so much before Griff came along. With one kid, you are so focused on the pregnancy. Every week that goes by you are reading about what is going on, you are working on their closet, their nursery, etc.  With the second kid, you don’t have time for that. Been there, done that. Plus, your first child has gotten ALL the focus for the past few years. How will this other, second child, fit in? How do you love them enough?

A post from MOMFormation a few days ago was talking about resolutions and becoming the person you once were.  Her last paragraph though, hit home, where she said, “Again, I can only compare it to wondering how in the world a second child would ever get the love and care she deserves and then finding that she can and does, beyond what I even hoped I could give. ”

And I think, how true.


1 Paige January 7, 2009 at 12:23 am

Since I started at 2 I never knew what 1 felt like, so when Braden came along I highly enjoyed the one on one time I had with him, I feel like I was able to give him more attention, which has now backfired completley seeing as he truly thinks he is an only child, we are working on that:) But I must say the first year is the easiest transition from 2 to 3 kids, when the baby begins to walk and assert himself than it can get a little crazy. Because now you have 3 crazy kids running around rather than 2, but like you I completly belive in fate and you are never given more than you can handle. I admire that you are so sure about being done, I don’t know if we are. By the way tell your friend it’s all worth it when all 3 kids are playing together and the oldest is taking care of the other 2, it definitly fills the heart!

Paige’s last blog post..Christmas in Pictures

2 Tiffani January 7, 2009 at 7:19 am

Wow! reading your post brings back soooo many memories. lol. Trying to get one kid down for nap\bedtime and the other one crying or screaming. lol.
I think your right, I would not be given 3 if i could not handle it. But I still am for the first time starting to freak out. ha! Part of that is because I still baby Avalon. I still carry her, or still let her ride in the stroller or whatever. Now I feel guilty about making her act her age. But in all honesty she does not even care. It’s just me feeling like the new baby coming is gonna make her grow up so much more faster. And I feel like I barley have time for the two now, how am i gonna make sure that I give all 3 kids enough attention and time. But, I am sure once Logan gets here it will all work out. And Thanks for the heads up about the first year being easier then the next few. lol. :o)

Tiffani’s last blog post..And the Survey Says…..

3 kim/hormone-colored days January 7, 2009 at 8:55 am

Okay, I rushed over from FB because I thought YOU were having a third! Whew.

Transitions are always challenging, but like you said, some how we manage to rise to the occasion and it all works out.

kim/hormonec-colored days’s last blog post..In which the blue bird of happiness takes a dump on me

4 kim/hormonc-colored days January 7, 2009 at 8:56 am

I am queen of the typos. Just realized I got my own blog name wrong! Back to work for me.

kim/hormonc-colored days’s last blog post..In which the blue bird of happiness takes a dump on me

5 Margie January 7, 2009 at 9:17 am

I’m 33 weeks pregnant with #3 so I’m in the same boat. My first two girls are 21 months apart and the best of buds. I’ve heard from other mom’s there isn’t the sibling rivalry of when you have #2 but mine were so close #1 didn’t even realize she was losing attention when #2 came. I’m more just worried about juggling three with sleepless nights and busy accountant season (husband’s busy season) right in front of us. Hopefully #3 is a good patient baby, right?! I agree with you though that we’re given what we can handle or given the ability to rise to the challenge. I’ve got to because it’s coming whether I’m ready or not! Good luck to your friend with her transitions as well.

Margie’s last blog post..Christmas 2008

6 Kristina January 7, 2009 at 8:27 pm

Everything you wrote is everything reflected in my life right now. Gee, it is like we’re the same sometimes. We’re done at 2 but I wonder about the transition to 3. And I worried so much about going from 1 to 2.

Also, LOVE your new blog look.

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