Filling up Car Tires with Air is a Man’s Job

by Kristi on June 7, 2010

I said it.  I can probably think of a ton of other things that is a man’s job too. 😉  Certainly filling up tires is right up there on the top of the list. Along with turning on the grill and jump starting a car.

But I did it. Yes, I did. Of course, the little hazard light choose to come on today while I was wearing a dress and heels instead of my standard black pants and shirt.  Husband was off with the kids and I was coming home early with another drive over the toll roads ahead of me in the morning.  I have a fear of breaking down on the toll roads with no cell service.

Luckily, the nice guys at the gas station told me that the air was free (who knew!? We always gave it quarters before) after pushing a little button inside the station. The little air thing just confuses me though.

The end of it latches on to the tire thingy but what do you do? How long do you hold it on for giving it air?

I counted to 10 or 15, praying that the tire wouldn’t explode in my face. Don’t laugh. You imagine that too!

When I was done, I went back and turned on the car and the hazard light was off. So that is good.  I still don’t get it though.  But I did it. So that counts. Right?

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