Sticky Notes, Tattoos, and Personal Growth

by Kristi on February 1, 2025

It’s been a month of moments. I talked about writing more… so here is a weekly journey through January moments – some not so memorable but at least I entertained myself!

The first five days of the year were very introspective, quiet, lovely, and a few hard/rewarding parts mixed in.

The entire week was a blur but we played Overcooked almost every day and played a few other games as a family. Telestrations was a big winner but we broke out Dominion, and even played a weird version of Uno.

My New Year’s Eve was pretty standard (for me) in that I watched the ball drop from my computer alone, and went to bed at 930 after finishing a few pages of a book! I had actually gotten out to a friend’s house for an hour and enjoyed talking to their neighbors. I had a great catch-up phone call in the car with my mom and then listened to a really interesting podcast with Mel Robbins and her daughter about the Let Them book they wrote together. It was fun to explore and wander but end the night with some quiet and pajama pants.

What I was so excited for was meeting with A for a brainstorming work session! I need to write out more of that and work through what my goals are. We spent almost 4 hours together and much of that was gossip but we had a lot of sticky notes and talking through what we wanted to start, stop, and continue in the new year!

We were going to meet half-way where she lived (LA) and go to Terranea but she was at her Mom’s so we went to the Montage instead. It was perfect. We saw blue sky before the fog came in, we got a good walk for 50 minutes, and then took in the ambiance.

We made a pact to do it again next year – although we might need to do one every six months.

After that extremely fun afternoon, I came home to Sam READY and waiting to go get a tattoo! I briefly wrote about this already but I’m so happy I’m connected by startlight with my baby.

This is her hyping herself up and dancing in the lobby to the kick-ass 90’s music they were playing. She may have had a shot of vodka right before this to bolster her nerves. Yes, I said what I said.

I did not have a shot of vodka but I did have a glass of champagne at the Montage!

Although, tangent, I’m really curious to hear about the cancer warning they want to put on alcohol now and feeling slightly superior that I’m only drinking once a week – if that – and being good and cutting back.

We then had our first Bunco of the year! Jessica hosted and while I had a few feelings going into the event – mostly imposter syndrome and the like – I pulled together my questions and interest in everyone and had some nice conversations. One gal was new since we needed a sub and I enjoyed chatting more with her. I did not win anything, alas, but it was a good three hours and was a nice distraction PLUS I got to talk to my Mom for 20 minutes on the way down and had another great podcast listen on the way home.

I listened to Jay Shetty’s 10 Things to Leave Behind 2024 and then started the 6 Step Blueprint to achieve all your goals. I enjoy listening to him and he had some good lessons. I think out of his 10 things I liked leaving behind the ‘Avoid making mistakes’ and ‘Leave self-consciousness behind’ the best. I’m okay with making mistakes but I hate doing it so I usually work twice as hard to research everything. Which is OKAY but I want to be open to admitting mistakes and figuring out what I’m learning from them. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to that point but it would be nice to try. So I’m good with leaving that behind!

And I am definitely self-conscious in a lot of ways, especially with work issues. In some cases, I’m confident and don’t care and jump through – but in others I’m going to sit back and keep doubting. So whatever I can do to recognize that, I want to work on that!

I did have a day of rest because we went out to Flappy Jack’s for breakfast and 1) I ate a huge meal at 8am which I normally don’t do and 2) I haven’t eaten there for… years and while I asked if there was any milk in the eggs (no) maybe the combination of things had something weird in it?

In any case, it took me out for an hour or two and then I just spent the rest of the day in bed because my stomach was crampy. This only happens once or twice a year if I’m good but when it does, it’s just easier for me to rest.

It gave me the time to get a good start on Radical Candor which I claimed I had read in my self-assessment at work for 2024. While I thought I had gotten pretty far I actually HAD NOT so I really needed to finish it before my 1:1 meeting with my boss! 🙂


I love this photo because while I was not there, I was the supporting player to Sam going out in the world, wearing a dress with her bag. She was nervous to drive and go be out with friends for a few hours. She sent me these photos later which were just so sweet. She has known Melody since she was 5 and it was her 19th birthday and she invited her to her family’s High Tea to celebrate. It was just Sam and Melody (and her family – which is one of my good friends) and I was so grateful they invited Sam and gave her that experience. Sam was so thrilled to be there and was also a great place for her to wear a dress and experiment with clothing to fit her bag.

Although she did come home complaining that she looked pregnant because her bag was so full (with liquid AND air) and yes, actually, it did look like that. HA.

I also love these ridiculous conversations that we get into with the besties. I always get harassed for my clothing choices and I used to wear a bucket hat (that I LOVED) that N would threaten to come throw away.

Watching the Golden Globe fashion had me sending it to her saying it MUST be okay now. Ahh, besties.

Have to love the three-hour dinners with the besties. I treasure these because of the emotional depths we get into about our lives. We are able to pour out our hearts, push for clarity, and dive into the why/how/what next of our trusted advisors.

This was a lovely dinner that Angie treated us to from her dinner subscription at Detention. We had lots of laughs with the bartender and chef who treated us so well. The chef wants to live on our future compound although we told him we already have a chef but he can still audition for us.

The next evening was a repeat dinner but with Natalie and that was lovely to catch up. It had been a few months since I had seen her and it was a light evening.

The light evenings make me appreciate the deep and emotional ones.

I’m nervous about this upcoming week. We have a company reorganization and while I know I can get through the extremely tough meetings I have to have with two of my teammates, I would feel heartless if I wasn’t anxious about it. I’m anxious about how it will impact them – although one of them I hope to retain on contractor basis so he should be fine. I’m anxious how the rest of my team will respond. I’m anxious about what some of my colleagues will say. When they will know. If I should give them a heads-up. How that impacts my relationship with them if I don’t. How it would impact me if it got around I was telling people.

There are a few horrifying ways to do the wrong things here and then a few more ways that I could navigate this in a better way. I’m not sure what I’m going to decide but getting through each day will be a bit bumpy.

Sam also informed us that she will be going back to college on the 19th (it’s the 12th as I write this) and I’m happy for her and not quite believing that she will be out of the house, on the other hand. She’s been home for so long (almost two months!) and we’ve had so many medical things happen that it’s been unbelievable but I’m excited for her.


As the month goes on, I’m just updating this on a weekly basis and might as well keep the work drama all in one place.


Selfie of me after two sucky phone calls.


I almost think of this as a consolation but it’s absolutely not. But I am proud of myself for how I handled it, I was available to both of them, and am trying to continue to show up.

But back to better news, I love snuggling with my bestie with amazing views! We were both at dinner 15m early and got a chance to grab a pic with the sunset and enjoy the view before the others got there.

Hive and Honey in Irvine has great ambiance and it was fabulous to catch up with Jess and Cam – it had been awhile.

I liked this message I saw somewhere… Probably IG. Courage, fun persistence, and insight. Good reminders!

Craft night with Ang and Jadyn was lovely. Sam really wanted a craft day and to watch silly movies. We didn’t watch the silly movies but definitely did a number on the crafts. Ang and Jadyn have ALL the craft supplies and are so creative so it was fun to mine through their supplies. I am not crafty but I will absolutely entertain myself while having a nice chat.

Ang knew my perspective of the Pink Tulip was a “thing” I was thinking through and she saw this at Trader Joes and bought it for me. I have been having SO much fun watching it bloom over the last two weeks.

Speaking of perspectives, S and I were sitting at the top of the hill after a good walk and this was calling to me. The blue sky, green trees, mixed with brown. The dirt and pathways carved in (or were wind blown!). The path leading around the hill.

It’s peaceful.

And so was the walk!

Tangent, do you see the Wicked Witch of the West anywhere in this photo? CRAZY.

The next evening was the first Comedy Sportz of the year! G didn’t think it was his best but I thought it was great. It was against the teachers and they are always funny. It was a packed house! G had some good friends supporting him.

Another day, another walk. My baby was leaving back to college the next day and consented to allow me to join her. I thought this was a peaceful photo too. Not quite as peaceful as the other one because I’m holding the camera in such a weird way to NOT get the power lines above us. But still nice.

Too much dirt and not enough sky.

It was a nice walk, a good conversation, and a lovely companion. Even if she made me promise not to post this “anywhere”.

Sure, hun. Would never do such a thing!

Note: Power lines

The picture was on the 18th, and I saw her immediately again on the 19th which I already wrote about.

We then had a really disappointing doctor appointment later that week. It’s progressed so it’s… fine but I’m still annoyed about it.

Either way, still moving forward..

I already talked about volunteering for the LA Fires!

Then, went to see one of the Cabaret nights at YLHS. We saw Matthew perform and G got him some flowers. LOL – It’s not funny, it’s just so dang cute.

G was still passing out the rest of the flowers to others, I think, which is why he’s holding some in his hands.

I was struggling all week with the weirdest “elevated temperature”. Super annoying. I finally went and talked to my GI nurse and she got me a blood test which for the most part was fine, except for one elevated marker. But I just checked from June and she didn’t check my ALT and AST which is now annoying and I probably will want to go back.

But ended the month sending G off to Winter Formal with his sophomore friends! His jacket is too short – oh well – yes, I’m so critical – but he had a lot of fun. Delilah was at a dance competition and couldn’t go!

I felt a little lonely after but it was fun watching these kids take some fun pictures and enjoy the evening. It was freezing though! I brought some hand warmers for Aaron and Morgan!

After, I sat in my car listening to a recent Holderness Family podcast about 365 questions to ask your partner. I was really tempted to get the book it was based on but did not.

I still have to look into that.

And on to February…

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