Fruity Green Salad

by Kristi on May 22, 2012

What a salad guaranteed to be a hit at any party? It’s a little expensive but it gets raves EVERY time.

From my Mom:

Ingredients (Serves about 8)

2 bags or tubs of Greens – my favorites to mix are Arugula and Baby Spinach – sometimes throw in some Romaine

2-3 Apples, cut up in bite-size chunks (put them in ice water in a Tupperware to keep them from browning if you’re doing it ahead of time)

5-6 stalks celery, diced

2-3 Avocados, diced

Bunches of purple grapes – cut in half

Dried Cranberries (optional – it makes it a pretty color, especially if you use green apples instead of red ones)

Toasted Pine Nuts (instead of browning them in an oven, try a saucepan.  Danielle showed me that trick at Trish’s when I brought the salad to her house)

1 tub of Blue Cheese crumbles

Any kind of Italian Dressing – my favorite is Newman’s Own Balsamic Vinaigrette

Mix it all up and serve!



I got mine ready for Sam’s school function early in the morning so the husband could take it to school.
– Browned the nuts and put them in Tupperware
– Cut the avocado and put them in Tupperware along with the seed to keep it fresh
– Did the apple trick and they didn’t turn brown.
– Cut up the celery and grapes and had them ready in a plastic bag
– Everything else I just sent in a cooler

It was perfect and it got raves! I couldn’t have any that day but I have tried it before and it’s YUM YUM.

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