I want PROOF that you VOTED – Fair Warning

by Kristi on October 30, 2008 · 2 comments

I just watched Barack Obama’s political TV spot tonight. It gave me chills. We need him as President. I am a Republican but his voice, his thoughts, his presence… We need him. To survive. To thrive.

On November 4th, please make your voice heard. Yes, I want you to vote for Obama but whatever you decide to mark down on your ballot (or punch in, click, whatever, LOL) please vote. You are important and can help this country! You need to get out there and make sure your voice is HEARD.

Where is your voting spot? Be sure to find out:


Please post this information on your OWN blogs, MySpace, Facebook, etc. Let everyone know where to vote. It is important. Our country is important.

Additionally, on November 4th I want to see a picture of you with your VOTING sticker on your person or you in front of your voting spot. Or even, a picture of your absentee ballot a few days early is fine. You all have a camera, a phone that takes pictures, or someone else next to you at work who can snap your photo real quick and upload it. Find someone with an iPhone (everyone has one, right? LOL) and have them snap your photo and email it to yourself when you are voting.

On November 4th I will be putting up a post and I expect all of you to comment or email me or SOMEHOW get to me the PROOF of you voting this year.

Otherwise that gives me full rights to harass you for NOT VOTING. Oh, and I will do it. Believe me. 🙂 Just giving you a little warning.

And on another small note… I don’t want to go into to much detail but if you are in California please vote NO on Prop 8. I don’t want to go into do much detail because I think I will offend to many people with what I have to say. I feel so strongly about this. It makes me a bit sick. I know this is hot on both sides right now. But please vote NO on Prop 8.


1 kristina October 30, 2008 at 4:22 am

I’m voting for Obama.

And if I were still living in Cali, I’d vote no on 8.

Thanks for putting this all out there.

P.S. Are you on FB?

2 tak1 October 30, 2008 at 5:27 pm

We are voting NO on 8 as well…I’m a Republican or used to be, my wife is definitely Democrat. Obama will when, that was an awesome 30 minutes

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