by Kristi on March 13, 2008 · 4 comments

When you think of Pups, you go, awww….

Which is why who in their RIGHT MIND would fucking name a god awful rash PUPPS, they are so freaking insane I want to go and scratch their eyes out.

Right after I stop scratching my elbows, knees, and shins. Cause that is where this freaking thing is at right now.

I’m trying trying trying to stop itching. I was doing good for the past three days but it’s unbearable now! I’m using gallons of lotion!! It was here for two weeks before AND TWO WEEKS after birth last time!! They said you wouldn’t get it again!

This is seriously one reason to NEVER BE PREGNANT again. This was the worst part of my PG last time (I guess I am lucky, huh?) but I don’t feel lucky where I’m sitting (itching).


Here is a classic “Dear DH” letter that someone posted on my birth board and… if Justin EVER held my hands back while I was scratching, this is TOTALLY what I would be saying. 🙂 Luckily he is ever sympathetic while saying, NOoooooo! Don’t itch! Don’t itch! – Which is what i’m saying to myself as I’m itching myself… but anyway.

“Dear Honey-
You know I love you more than chocolate itself, and I really have nothing to complain about because you are truly wonderful… except for this teeny tiny little thing. Please do not EVER EVER try to hold my hands back again when I am scratching this PUPPPS rash that has infiltrated every pore in my body. I know the sound of me scratching relentlessly bothers your delicate little ears, and has even been known to wake you out of a very deep slumber. You might only imagine what it feels like to claw at my skin night and day with no apparent relief in sight. If you would like, I could rub poison ivy and fiberglass all over the bed, entice you to take off your clothes and roll around in it, and then handcuff your hands to the bed post, release a million mosquitoes, and sweetly tell you not to scratch cause it only makes it worse, as I walk out the door and leave you to suffer for 4 months. But we both know that I would never do that in actuality, only daydream about it because I’m a tad crabby from not sleeping for the past 9 months.
Your loving and endlessly itching and SCRATCHING wife, “


1 Lisa and Jack March 14, 2008 at 2:44 am

NOOOO! Do not tell me that you can get it twice! I had it the first time too and there are NO words to explain the horror! PUPPS is the absolute worst torture that I have ever endured! I am SO sorry that you are having to cope with that – I’d offer advice, but I never found anything that worked… Just get that baby out!

2 Kristina March 14, 2008 at 2:46 am

I’m sure you will be luckier than I am. 🙂 I’m trying meditation… haha – If I keep slathering lotion on, my skin is nice and creamy so it’s a little easier not to itch…

It definitely has its moments.

If I get this baby out, then I will have TWO babies in the house. That is just… scary. 🙂

3 Krysta March 14, 2008 at 5:27 am

Doesn’t acryllic nails sounds good???? You shoud get Sam one of those back scratcher thingies and have her help you!

Oh… and there is nothing wrong iwth having TWO babies in the house 😉

4 Kristina March 14, 2008 at 5:30 am

Hmm, nails… those do sound good. But I am being a good girl and trying NOT to scratch.

Do not scratch. Do not scratch. Do not scratch. AHHHHHhhhhhh

And I don’t even want to hear from you about two babies! I talk to you all the time! LOL – I know what you are going through! Don’t try and fool me!

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