Potty Time!

by Kristi on February 2, 2008 · 1 comment

Whoa, Sam peed in the potty tonight. It was like 4 drops but there was liquid in there! haha!

Justin takes off her clothes while I start running the bath and she always wants to sit on her potty and play with toys. She says “I go pee-pee, poo-poo” over and over again. After awhile this ‘time’ has went from a few seconds, to minutes, to now we have to haul her bootie off the potty to take a bath. She is learning the fine art of procrastination.

Especially since she NEVER does anything on the potty. Justin often asks, when are we going to start potty training? And hearing the horror stories from people, seeing my baby brothers and sister not get potty trained until they were 4 or 4 1/2 (seriously, I think they were just stubborn, but still)… the kiddo is just two. What do I care if I have to change her diapers for another year? I have to do it anyway with this new kiddo. LOL – She also has her pooping ‘problems’ which require daily medicine which we run around changing EVERY day to get her to poop right. *sigh* Dr says she will be on it all her life (probably – it’s just miralax, so it’s no big) but it makes her poops runny. When we see actual poops in her diaper, we get scared cause she will start screaming and crying when she has to poop. Anyway, so off topic. It cracks me up that her daily poop habits are such a concern of ours though. And every parent that you talk to (usually).

So, after 10 min, 15 min? Usually I can convince her to get to the bathtub herself by playing with her toys and pretending to put the bubbles in without her. It’s MUCH easier (obviously) for it to be their idea rather than forcefully putting them where we want them to go. We hardly ever do that. But tonight Justin goes over and in the process of being about to move her butt off the potty, notices there is liquid in there!! Wow!

To bad we didn’t have stickers or anything. Oh well. It was cool though!

I have to say those potties are DISGUSTING though. Cleaning them out, etc. Sheesh. What a pain. I did buy one of the potty seats for the regular toilet last week so at some point that will be my obvious choice. Right now we have the singing potty (which doesn’t sing very well) that sits in our master bathroom.

Anyway. That is our exciting news for the day.

And Justin just took away my reeces pieces. That is so unfair. He has had them in the fridge for a whole week and I have had handfuls every night and since they were SITTING there so INNOCENTLY, I just took the whole bag to my computer. And now he TOOK them from me. Oh well. I pretty much ate almost all of them anyway. I have had a rough day. Maybe I’ll go into that later. Maybe not. It’s pretty boring. Basically, no sleep, screaming child at night. Ick. And we have grand plans of moving her to her own bed tomorrow night. hahahah – I keep thinking it’s a funny joke. Although the day was nice. We saw Drew at the Pancake House, that was funny. 🙂 Suddenly she was sitting at our table as she was walking out with her friend! She is very preggo, she looks awesome and beautiful! I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck though so I will now go to sleep.


{ 1 comment }

1 Tiffani February 2, 2008 at 4:50 pm

Wow! Good luck with the potty training. We had the singing toilet and it pretty much scared my daughter. So we stopped using it. She liked the one on the “big” toilet better because it made her feel like a big girl.

We are right in the middle of potty training Nolan too. Yea the fun! lol.

I am one of the people that tries to put off potty training as long as possible. It is so much easier to find a place to change a diaper then run around with a two year old that has to pee and there is no bathroom to be found. lol.

Lucky for my kids they don’t listen to me and pretty much started using the potty by themselves.

We had one of those bags that hold jewelry. The really big ones, hanging on the back of the bathroom door. We filled it with all kinds of cheap little toys. Then every time the kids go on the potty we let them pick out one toy. It really worked really well for us.

Good luck!

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