by Kristi on December 21, 2006 · 5 comments

OMG!!! Borders just emailed me the NEW TITLE to the last book in the Harry Potter series!!


I think it’s a silly title though. I though the last one was silly too but the book was great, as usual.

The new title is: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

God, I can’t wait. Maybe this year I will be at the Borders Midnight Party. The previous two years I was waiting in line at 10am the morning of… but I might be tempted to be there at midnight!!

I love Harry Potter.

It probably isn’t coming out until JUNE though. BOOOOO! Or later


1 Brooke December 22, 2006 at 5:57 am

I just saw this this morning, too, yeah! I’m soo excited! I didn’t know you were such a follower of HP, something else we have in common, lol. Great to see you yesterday, you better come out tomorrow! Love ya!~

2 Kristina December 22, 2006 at 6:54 am

Totally! I love it… Cried in the 5th book… The 6th bugged me a bit because it’s just setting up the last book so we shall see!!!

Will try tomorrow…. Have family Christmas from 5-8 so I will see if Justin will let me out!

3 Anna December 22, 2006 at 5:00 pm

oooh, I’ll wait w/you @ midnight! hehe… love me the Harry 😉

4 Krysta December 22, 2006 at 5:06 pm

So exciting!!!! I dont even have to check on line, cause you are there to let me know when it will be here..lol! We should totally go at midnight I know Cam would come too!

5 Kristina December 22, 2006 at 5:08 pm

I think I was kidding!!! But… if there is gonna be a party then I’ll bring the 7 layer dip. 🙂

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