Night Wakings

by Kristi on August 7, 2006 · 2 comments

Argh, our little cutiepie started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks. I felt nice and smug getting my 8 hours of sleep. It was awesome. Then, around 5 1/2 months it stopped. I think I talked about it before.

It keeps getting worse.

The past few nights she will get up and instead of simply dragging her in bed with me to eat and she nods off, as do I… She won’t go to sleep. Which means she either starts shrieking in bed with us (and we try to ignore it, haha, not possible), or we let her cry it out (again, Poppa hates it), or we soothe her back to sleep. Which means walking the floors.

How did we get back to this point? I had my schedule! We had our E-A-S-Y schedule from the “Baby Whisperer”! Boo! She was such a great sleeper!

Now, we put her down at 8 or 830 after feeding her to sleep and she will cry around 10. Sometimes she stops. Then, it’s around 11. Sometimes we can sing her to sleep. Other times we have to walk the floors. Or let her cry it out while we argue on what we should do next. Then, she gets up around 4. Or maybe 6.

I can handle the wakings when I drag her in bed with us. Which is most of the time. That means I get sleep while she is eating. Sort of.

What a bad habit though.

The ones where she won’t go back to bed and just cries and wants to be walked around are the worst. It’s always a debate. Justin will take the first 30 min… I will take the next. Should I keep trying to feed her hoping she will go back to sleep? How soon can I stop her eating and slowly walk back to her room and gently set her down before… Oops! She woke up. Repeat as needed. Or just let her sleep with us. Argh.

We might have to go back to sleep ‘boot’ camp.

Stay tuned.


1 Jamie Bengard (Joyce) August 9, 2006 at 4:57 am

Hi Kristi!! I swear I am reading about my life… which I have told you before, I think!! So frustrating, Alex, Aiden and I have the same night life as you guys!! i keep telling myself that he is teething… or mastering new skills…. hmmmm…… yeah right!!!! Hopefully there are more sleepy nights for us to come!!

2 Kristina August 9, 2006 at 5:24 am

Eek! You are not giving me anything to hope for! hahahaha – Last night was better though… She cried at 1030, 1230, and 330 but she stopped after 2 min. Then she woke up at 5 and I brought her back into our bed and 7am, the alarm went off. 🙂 I’ll take it for now….

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